As I’m sure is the case for most bloggers, we start out with the best of intentions. We want our blogs to be an extension of us, and therefore try to write in real time. Sharing moments as they happen, photographing our day to day. And then you actually start a blog, and the reality sinks in. That life – from deadlines, to unexpected inclement weather, to the blissful call of your pillow – can creep in and throw all of those best laid plans at the fan….
I like to think I stay fairly true to my intentions. I’m usually wearing what I post (or at least have been wearing it within a window of a few days on either side). But truth be told, I take pretty much all of my outfit photos on the weekend. Sundays disappear in a flurry of crinolines and heels scooting up and down the stairs as I swap outfits and lip colors, snapping outfit pix for the week ahead. I’m simply not able to do much more midweek other than guzzle coffee, run through my lecture notes, and hope that my shoes match before dashing out the door. Although the illusion is there – that I just happen to be in a garden on my way to work, looking perfectly quaffed and serene…. Yeah. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Case in point – this look. This stunner of a dress from Trove Vintage, with her perfect appliqué and vines curling their way around my person, was purchased aaaaages ago. She was a bit short waisted for me, but I knew she was destined to lie in wait for a special event. After using my tall-girl life hack and adding a ribbon at the shoulder to lengthen the bodice, she hung in my wardrobe in anticipation of my birthday. And my birthday arrived – and oh, did we have a time. I dined, sipped champagne, and celebrated with my nearest and dearest. But, despite my careful planning, outfit photos simply didn’t make their way into that timeline.
Although it was more than a month ago, this beauty of a dress needed her day in the Spotlight. Because she is pure magic. She’s actually the sister of a major ISO of mine – a one-shouldered green beauty that I finally threw up my hands to the universe and decided to make myself (cause the universe was simply not bringing me that dress). And no sooner did I hunt down the fabric and start construction than her teal counterpart appeared in my arms….
It’s a funny thing about intentions – they’re simply not worth beating yourself up over. While the sharing of my life is important to me (and I love you all something fierce), I decided long ago that sharing my moments simply can’t take the place of my actual moments. That sipping the champagne is always going to win over the perfect photo of the champagne. That a sunset walk with my man is better when I leave my phone on the counter. That in this Instagram-driven, social media swirled existence, I never want to forget that my real reason for being here is to enjoy life to its fullest. Some days, the photos just have to wait. I guess it’s the wisdom that comes with age…
So, I am officially wishing this dress a happy belated birthday. We had an amazing night out on the 15th of March and we had an amazing time taking these photos after the fact, reliving that splendid night. Cause if there’s one thing that takes no convincing, it’s whether I mind getting all dressed up again.
Cause the answer is always yes.
Outfit Details:
Dress: Trove Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Bracelets: gift (similar)
Handbag: Alannah Hill (similar here & here)
Shoes: gift, ASOS (similar here & here)
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