I’ve always felt calmed by the sea. One of the perks of being a marine biologist is knowing that, no matter where the Mister and I may move, the ocean will never be far. When I was younger and my family and I would make the two hour drive to spend a day at the beach, you couldn’t drag me out of the waves. Being from New England, the water was almost always freezing cold even in summer, and my pale, freckled skin burns with even a whisper of sun. But I didn’t care. Gooed up with SPF 9000 and charging forth into the icy waves, I always entered the water and knew I had found my way home. It was clearly inevitable I would end up either as a marine biologist or a mermaid….
Like any good marine biologist (or frankly, mermaid), I have always felt it was my duty to hunt down and acquire any and all under the sea printed vintage I possibly can. Much like the sea, I feel like it simply calls to me, hidden in estate sales or peeking out through the millions of options on Etsy. And my spidey sense brought me to the newly discovered shop My Lili Marlene, where this most perfect 1950’s dress lay waiting for me. With waves of pink, dotted with red scallops and white gorgonian coral, this was definitely a vintage aquatic print like no other. The minute she arrived and I zipped her up, I got that feeling. The one where a dress cups your curves just so and you know you’re going to have a few adventures together…

I am the shore and the ocean, awaiting myself on both sides.
Dejan Stojanovic, The Shape
So, as you read this, my seafaring wardrobe and I are firmly ensconced in South America! It’s been an absolutely crazy week preparing to go, and I can hardly believe my grad student and I managed to tick the necessary items off of our To Do List and get our butts on a plane. We’re spending the next week nerding out as only shark nerds can at our once-every-four-years Shark Meeting Extravaganza. Basically the world’s shark experts get together under the guise of work, but in reality we really just want to geek out about our favorite subject with the very people who won’t get tired of hearing about it!
So, this gal’s gone fishin’! Needless to say, it’s going to be a bit more quiet around here that usual. Although I always try to have the best of intentions to post while I’m away, conferences really are like summer camp where the rest of the world falls away as you revel in the joy of remembering why is is you love what you do.
Adeus por agora amigos – te vejo quando eu voltar!
Outfit Details:
Dress: My Lili Marlene (similar modern and vintage here, here, & here)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Handbag: Betsey Johnson
Heels: Steve Madden (similar)
Lip Color: Retrofuturist
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