I’m not sure what it’s like in your household, but in mine, gadgetry abounds! We have a plethora of iPhones, iPads, iMacs…I basically live in iHouse. I guess that sort of comes with the territory when you marry an iPhone/iPad software developer. And I’m certainly not complaining – I would never be this technologically savvy if I were left to my own devices…
So, naturally, when the Apple Watch was announced, I saw that familiar gleam come into Mr. Dressed Aesthetic’s eye. I knew the minute those puppies were released, a shiny new one would be whizzing through the post to our house and straight onto his wrist. And I never question his need for gadgetry, because he manages to never question my need for shoes (case in point). I didn’t get my own watch, but I definitely delight in stealing his now and then…

Hardworking gent that he is, Mr. Dressed worked tirelessly for weeks on end so that he could bring Dressed to the Apple Watch. You can see your daily outfit and all of the details about each individual garment – right on the watch. His hard work definitely paid off, because Apple actually chose to feature Dressed in the watch App Store for a week back in April (!). As small business owners, that was a major cause for celebration. I have to say, it’s kind of an amazing thing to see something you created being featured for all the world to see – and to see my outfit come to life on my wrist!
However, though my outfit may be timeless, I’m not really feeling like time is on my side lately. Yet another week has begun, with October barreling towards us at lightening speed. I barely had time to yell, “Watch out!” as I carelessly stepped off the curb of September into oncoming end-of-year traffic. I’ve found myself thinking about Christmas shopping (horrors), holiday travel plans, and what the new year will bring. Come on people, can’t we put the brakes on already? I’m really not ready for 2016 yet…
Anyone else feeling like this year has flown by way too fast??
Outfit Details:
Dress set: Hollie Point Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar here, here & here)
Watch: Apple Watch Sport
Headband: Gift (similar here & here)
Clutch: Gift (similar here & here)
Shoes: Melissas Australia (similar here or different colorways here)