I was born in the 1980’s, a time where tight rolled jeans, perms, and electric blue eyeshadow reigned. It’s a decade like no other in terms of my poor fashion choices, many of which I have photographic evidence of (thankfully it was in the pre-digital age, where most are hidden in dusty photo albums. But my sister has a scanner, so…). Mix the 1980’s with the tumultuous years of pre-pubescent angst and it’s no surprise that I tend to shy away from all things from that decade. But, much like a basque waist, I’ve really got to stop saying “I’ll never wear….” because vintage always swoops in to prove me wrong…
WhileĀ scrolling through Instagram, a Victor Costa beauty at Oh Henry Vintage literally stopped me in my tracks. I generally don’t brake for post-1960’s fashion, but the floral border print, bold stripes and amazing shoulder detail had me salivating. Sadly, the one in Jasmine’s shop window was a woeful 24″ waist (which is many, MANY bags of Doritos ago). But, thanks to this new-fangled technology called the internet, I armed myself with a cup ‘o joe and attacked Etsy. I’m quite proud to say, thanks to some well-honed hunting skills, I managed to find her twin at Hooked on Honey (miraculously in my size. Seriously, this never happens to me). And sure enough, because fate likes to laugh when I mutter, “Ugh. I hate the 80’s,” this cutie won me over with her irresistible smile and Material Girl wink.

This past weekend I made a trip up to Boston to give a public lecture at the New England Aquarium. It was a pretty surreal moment for me, because the NEAq is actually the aquarium I grew up in. The one that fostered my love for marine biology and made this little 80’s baby feel like the sharks through the 4″ glass were within reach. I also had the chance to spend some time with my family while I was in town. One rather arduous task involved tackling my mom’s storage unit, which was overflowing with things I had saved over the years but never made the journey with me to my various overseas destinations.
In addition to old report cards, class notes from college, and those front-lock diaries filled with adolescent angst, there were mountains of photos of my childhood. 80’s was in full bloom, with (attempts at) poofy bangs, stone washed denim, coke-bottle glasses pushed up on the bridge of my nose. Swirling in memories, as I returned home andĀ slipped this Victor Costa beauty on, I suddenly remembered the good things about the 80’s. Feathered hair and many layers of Breck aside, the 80’s were a time of exploration. Of color and exuberance and not having to apologize for being a little (or a lot) too much. It was a time of renaissance, not just in fashion, but in music, art, self-expression. It was women rocking shoulder pads as they marched forward, ready to dominate the workplace.
Thanks to a stroll down memory lane this past weekend, flipping through piles of old photos, I got to revisit being a kid, coming into my own. Stumbling forth in neon socks and scrunchies, trying to figure out my place in this technicolor world. Perhaps part of what makes me cringe about the 80’s was subconsciously wanting to leave that part of me behind. The girl who was uncertain and shy and awkward, staring nervously back at the camera, hoping to blend into the background. Hoping people would either not notice her, or unconditionally accept her, neither of which ever happen as you struggle through middle school.
She’s someone in stark contrast to the person I am today – giving lectures in IMAX theaters and having no qualms about standing out in front of a crowd. But, that shy, nervous kid with dreams full of sharks and great ambition had strength in her I never fully appreciated. Because she’s been holding me up all of these years. Hers are the shoulders I stand on. Whose sheer determination and grit, coupled with stone-washed denim and an unhealthy love for 80’s hair bands and snap bracelets, allowed to me to become the woman I am.Ā Rather than leave her behind, I think I’m at my best when I accept both past and future me.
When I came home from my trip and pulled out this amazing Victor Costa dress, I was ready to embrace both. Ready to rock out to the Bangles on my Disc-man as I head out to my very own, grown up lab. Ready to tuck those old photos and diaries into a safe place in my present day. Because I’m most certainly a product of my tumultuous past – not in spite of, because of – stronger when we are walking arm and arm, together.
Any other 80’s babies out there??
Outfit Details:
Dress: Hooked on Honey Vintage (same dress here or similar here, here, & here)
Belt: from another dress (similar)
Gloves: The Wonder Shop (similar)
Handbag: Alannah Hill (similar)
Shoes: Alannah Hill
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