As I was digging through my (now thankfully expanded) wardrobe, I came across this stunning floral dress, purchased from the lovely Jessica of Pinup Persuasion. I couldn’t help but take a minute to marvel at the way this blog has brought me to meet so many amazing women around the world. Women (and men) who challenge me to be better, simply by allowing me a window into their own lives.
Jessica was one of the first bloggers who I started emailing way back when – at a time when it was still a bit foreign to me to forge friendships over land and sea and cyberspace. I featured her as one of my Smart, Sassy & Stylish gals and have often curled up with her blog and gotten cozy, constantly marveling at a blogger’s ability to be vulnerable. This week I noticed that Pinup Persuasion is celebrating its 5 Year Anniversary. Having nearly survived two years of blogging myself (!!), I know what a huge accomplishment this is. If you’ve followed Jessica’s blog, you also know she hit this milestone while battling some crazy-difficult health issues this year and did it with grace and her unending charm.
To celebrate her 5 Year Milestone, Jessica is offering some AMAZING prize giveaways on her blog that I just had to share – including a gift card to Nicole Elaine Vintage, Collectif, and Lola Von Rose. I entered as fast as my little pale fingers could type. Celebrating someone awesome AND possibly winning beautiful garments? Ummm…sign me up! I hope you head over and enter – these prizes are seriously too good to miss.

So, why the crazy outpouring of love this morning? In my opinion, more often than not we either talk about the hard things – the tough things we’re going through or our latest rant about the political climate we’ve found ourselves in. Or, we talk about surface subjects – keeping things bright and shiny. But, one of my goals of this blog is to highlight the importance of lifting one another up. Celebrate each other’s quirks and be the one clapping the loudest when someone has done something clap-worthy.
So, across the miles, from one blogger to another – congratulations Jessica! I think you are amazing. Though I’ve been more of a silent lurker on your blog lately due to the craziness happening on my side of the globe, I am so inspired by your ability to stare tough circumstance in the face and say, “Bring It.”
So, got anyone you’d like to celebrate today?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Vintage via Pinup Persuasion (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: gift from my Mr., Swarovski (similar)
Bracelet: Made by my sister (similar)
Hatbox Handbag: Beleza Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: DSW (similar here & here)
Lip color: Vani-T Cosmetics, Scandal via Look Feel Be
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