In ballet, allégro is a term applied to bright, fast or brisk steps and movement. Although I never had any fantasies as a young girl of wanting to be a ballerina (but the layers of tulle I can definitely get behind), I have a sneaking suspicion I’d be pretty awesome at this move. As soon as the semester hit, I’ve been briskly stepping just about everywhere.
This amazing ballerina-themed 1950’s border print skirt at Garb Oh Vintage was one I had my eye on for ages. I adored the black background, the abstract dancers posing around the hem, and the swirl of toe shoes floating up to the waistline. I remember hemming and hawing for ages. But then there was a 30% off sale and what can I say? She pliéd herself right on into my wardrobe…

I also had to take a minute to chat about a new hair styler I recently purchased – I don’t usually talk haircare much here on the blog, but figured many of you might be just as curious as I was. If you are ever on Facebook or any other brand of social media, chances are you’ve seen 1 or 12 million versions of the ad for the Tyme Iron Pro. As someone who has stick straight hair and is always on the hunt for the next tool that might magically transform my styling process from a savage 1 hour to a quick 10 minutes, I was more than a little curious.
Firstly, I do want to mention I’m not affiliated with the product in any way – I am simply proof that repeated advertising is effective. I must have seen the ad about 80 times before I checked out their website and an additional 80 times before I finally took the plunge. From the myriad of videos dancing across my retinas about this magic device, I admit I was intrigued. I was not so intrigued by the price ($200), but when it comes to high quality styling products, this is pretty much the norm. I use my GHD straightener religiously, which retails for the same. I would rather pay more for a lasting product than have a tool completely fry my hair (which is of rather delicate disposition to begin with).
So one evening, after wine had been drunk, I found a 15% coupon for the Tyme website (YASSSS15 if anyone wants to try it! It worked as of 3 weeks ago) and took the plunge. I must admit, this device is pretty – a shimmery champagne gold with a nice weight to it. And after arming myself with a few YouTube videos and resigning myself to a bit of frustration before finally getting the hang of it, I have to say it’s pretty awesome. I love that in one simple half turn I can get the same curls that I achieve using my straightener (which takes multiple turns and a bit more finesse).
In this NC humidity, my curls definitely do not last the days promised in the advertising (even with heaps of product), but I’ve just come to learn over the years that’s never going to be my hair’s thang. And it’s been really easy to incorporate this little beauty into my daily routine. Now that I have the hang of the motion it requires, I can get a good head of curls in about 10ish minutes. I mean, I could stick with my straightener to do it, but this seems easier, faster, with a whole lot less twisting and turning of my wrist. Cause hey, who’s got the tyme…..
This week is a bit precarious over here for us – we’ve been watching the forecast very carefully, as hurricane Florence has been threatening to put NC directly in her path. This being the first big hurricane to hit here since we moved to NC, Mr. Dressed and I spent the weekend (over)preparing, just in case. We stocked up on canned goods and many gallons of water, got a portable BBQ and made an exit strategy (including packing as much vintage as I can possibly carry and putting plastic over the rest), should evacuation be the best route. We talked ourselves out of buying the generator…but were tempted.
If anyone is similarly facing Hurricane Florence this week, I highly recommend checking out the NOAA Hurricane Preparation website – it gives you a list of emergency supplies that are good to have on hand and a lot of really good advice. The best thing you can do is keep a level head and get as prepared as possible.
And be ready to allégro right out of there if necessary!
Outfit Details:
Top: WHBM (similar here & here)
Skirt: Garb Oh Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: EE Jewelry via Modcloth
Belt: PUG (similar)
Socks: Lirika Matoshi
Handbag: Anthropologie, sold out (similar here & here)
Shoes: Nine West
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