Around the World in 80 Days

Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic

I can hardly believe it, but this week a large army of moving men and women descended upon our home and, in two days, packed our entire life into a shipping container, save for a few suitcases stuffed to the gills with vintage and a LOT of brains. It’s a bit crazy to watch your life go into boxes and be coded and logged as a quantifiable sum. Or, more to the point, to watch that quantifiable sum steadily increase in numbers of boxes marked “clothes” and “shoes”… I can’t say there wasn’t more than a few raised eyebrows when they spotted my wardrobe (and I am guaranteed to go down in Moving Company Lore as ‘That Girl With All of the Dresses.” I rather like being infamous).

All in all, despite the stress and the worry, our organization paid off and it was reasonably uneventful and smooth. We had one minor crisis where we realized we had more things than space in the shipping crate we had bargained for.Ā But, with some quick decision making and a few phone calls we were able toĀ throw money at the problem and expand our crate.

Good thing too, cause I was NOT about to start letting go of shoes.

Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic

Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit styled using Dressed for iPhone

Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic Around the World in 80 Days - The Dressed Aesthetic

It’s remarkable for me to think that we’ll be boarding a plane in 3 days. That Willie and Finn (the cat who you rarely get to see. He lurks just out of frame) will board their own flight and meet us on the other side. That all of our worldly possessions will take a journey around the world in about 80 days and land on our doorstep, hopefully unscathed.

So, with a few dust bunnies to sweep up and a few final bits and pieces to donate to Goodwill, our lives here are officially coming to a close. It’s crazy to think that I’ll have a new city to explore and new blog photo locations to scout. Although don’t think this is the last you’ve seen of our red garage door – in true scientist fashion, I plotted out a few blog posts over the next month and studiously planned my outfits and took photos in advance. Not quite “Fashion in the Moment,” but needs must.

And so it begins. Our next crazy, worldly adventure.Ā If you ever need to move across the world, call me. I’m practically a pro at this…



Outfit Details:
Dress:Ā Hunter Gatherer VintageĀ (similarĀ modernĀ or vintageĀ here,Ā hereĀ &Ā here)
Belt: Alannah HillĀ (similarĀ here)
Necklace:Ā Modcloth
Handbag: Bettina Darling Ā (similarĀ hereĀ &Ā here)
Shoes: Versace, thriftedĀ (similarĀ hereĀ &Ā here)

Lip Color:Ā Centrifuchsia


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The Dressed Aesthetic
