Back to the Future

Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic

The start of a new year is normally accompanied by a feeling of crisp anticipation. It always reminded me of the sense that I’ve come away from the ATM, where the machine has just spit out newly minted bills. And you get to believe for a minute like anything is possible, if you just spend those dollars on the right thing. This year is a bit different than most – in that I’m really struggling to find that feeling.

It’s hard not to feel a bit “what now,” as we sort of fell through the doorway of 2022, a tangle of limbs and question marks. Is this going to be a Groundhog Day kind of year, where we simply repeat the mistakes of 2021? Or, has something imperceptibly shifted, where we are moving forward on an invisible string towards a year that will bring us to a mythical Land of the Vaccinated, Home of the Masked. A place where case numbers are declining, hospitalizations rare, and that ever-present weight that sits atop our shoulders when we leave the house is somehow lifted, reminding us that there is still go much good in the world.

Yeah, I choose Door #2. Let’s head back to that future….

Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic

Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit styled using Dressed for iPhone

Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic Back to the Future - The Dressed AestheticBack to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic

Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic
Stills from the movie Back to the Future

Given my mood this week, I could think of no better way to kick off the year than with the infamous giraffe panel skirt – infamous because it was worn by Lorraine in one of the all-time greatest movies, Back to the Future. If you’ve a keen eye for vintage novelty prints, you can catch it in the scene where she’s just bought her prom dress and Biff shows up, Biffing all over the place.

These panel skirts were sold as kits back in the day, put together by home-sewists, and are pretty covetable on the vintage huntress market. Because of its extra notoriety from BTTF, this lil’ cutie was hard to get my vintage-loving paws on (vintage-loving hooves on??). But, as with most things in the vintage world, it just takes a lot of patience and a lightning quick trigger finger….

Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic
Stills from the movie Back to the Future

Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic Back to the Future - The Dressed AestheticBack to the Future - The Dressed AestheticBack to the Future - The Dressed AestheticBack to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic Back to the Future - The Dressed Aesthetic

Speaking of heading back to the future, we’re running headlong into our Spring semester. The University reopens this week, with the intention of the floodgates of scholastic achievement opening next Wednesday. Students will be moving back to campus, classrooms filling up, coffee queue’s growing interminably long….

A few weeks ago I felt pretty sure how this one was going to go – I had been mentally preparing to be back face to face and had my face shield at the ready. But, with Omicron cases looming and the inevitable spike from holiday travel, something tells me to get reacquainted with the good old fashioned pivot. While I never used to be one for change, it has become such an unavoidable consequence of this whole pandemic, where change itself feels like the constant.

So, with a bit of a shrug and a “bring it on” kind of attitude, 2022 has begun. However the year has started for you, I hope you are finding your way.



Outfit Details:
Cardigan: Juli Lynne Charlot, via OLL (similar)
Skirt: Snappy Gabs Vintage (similar modern and vintage here, here & here)
Handbag: Beleza Vintage (similar here)
Socks: DSW (similar)
Shoes: B.A.I.T FootwearĀ 

Lip Color: Niagara


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Any items marked with a “c/o” (courtesy of) a retailer mean I was provided with an item for free in exchange for a review and/or feature on my blog. I always provide my honest opinion of any item I’m reviewing, regardless of whether it was sent to me as a courtesy item or if I purchased it myself. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links or ads on this site, I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase at no cost to you, which helps with the day-to-day running costs of my blog.Ā