The passage of time is a funny thing. Before I had this blog, I wasn’t quite as aware of it as I am now, with a daily chronicle of events and outfits to flip through. Even more jarring can be how quickly time seems to jump between things, taking a moment from new to part of the past very quickly. The other day, I caught myself telling someone we had just moved here from Australia, forgetting that we have actually been here over 8 months. I guess we have to start saying we live here now, letting AUS be a part of our colourful past.
Going through old blog photos, I found this shoot that I had never posted. My boss had gotten an invite to a fancy, schmancy black tie fundraising event, with the goal of hobnobbing with local officials and high flyers. And he asked if I wanted to come along, likely because there are few people who can be ready for a black tie event with a few hours notice. Not one to pass up the opportunity to rub elbows with the fancy while enjoying a free dinner, I donned one of my favorite evening frocks from Xtabay Vintage and darted out into the glittery night.

It’s funny, because it feels both as if that benefit is a million miles away (which, let’s be honest, geographically speaking, it is), but also as if it could have just happened last weekend. And flipping through these photos, with our old favorite red garage door, I felt such a wave of nostalgia. Flashing back to a time when I wasn’t the boss of anyone. When every second of the day wasn’t accounted for in the frenzy of newness and setup. When our sweet pup was still with us, gamboling in the background of all of my outfit photos.
I don’t actually remember much about the night. Who I hobnobbed with, what they served for dinner. But more so I remember how comfortable and at home I felt in Australia, and how jumbled I still feel here. Slowly making friends and finding my tribe, over time coming to grips with the ins and outs of the Department and who to go to to accomplish x,y, and z, but still not 100% settled.
I wonder if that paradoxical feeling of time passing both glacially slow and at lightening speed has a lot to do with our comfort levels. When I finally feel like I fit here, then it will be safe to let Australia be tucked in the past. She will finally feel as far away as she really is. But by feeling as if we only just left, I don’t really have to let go of it just yet. And as the subtle Aussie twinge in my accent fades, so will the feeling that these photos were taken only yesterday.
Looking back on this photoshoot, it was nice to swim in nostalgia for a short while. It was nice to fly to Australia, minus the 36 hours and several thousand dollar price tag. It was nice to visit with Willie, frozen in time, when he was still with us and happy. And it was nice to know we can miss a place and miss the people, but still stay safe in the knowledge that though we may not immediately feel settled, we are where we belong.
Time is such a funny thing….
Outfit Details:
Dress: Xtabay Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: Bettina Darling (similar)
Gloves: Modern Millie Vintage (similar)
Handbag: Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: Poetic License, gift (in gold or similar)
Lip Color: Manhunt
Eyeliner: Stila
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