Browsing CategoryDaily Outfits

Curves & Edges

Curves & Edges - The Dressed Aesthetic

One thing that will always be a part of my life is travel – I love to see parts of the world I’ve never been to and will always have the itch to explore. This past week I set foot on South American soil for the first time, and got to hobnob with other nerdy shark scientists in Joao Pessoa, Brazil for our twice-a-decade shark meeting. I loved every bit of the trip: the science, the Brazilian cuisine, the lovely locals who we got to meet during our discovery of the city, and being vaguely out of my comfort zone…

Gone Fishin’

Gone Fishin' - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve always felt calmed by the sea. One of the perks of being a marine biologist is knowing that, no matter where the Mister and I may move, the ocean will never be far. When I was younger and my family and I would make the two hour drive to spend a day at the beach, you couldn’t drag me out of the waves. Being from New England, the water was almost always freezing cold even in summer, and my pale, freckled skin burns with even a whisper of sun. But I didn’t care. Gooed up with SPF 9000 and…

Lemon Lime

Lemon Lime - The Dressed Aesthetic

Well, it’s officially sundress and cocktails weather! I don’t know about you, but this felt like the longest and most stubborn winter (I lost count of the number of times winter came running back into the room to yell, “And another thing!” this season). So, I was distrustful when the warm weather started to creep in, sure that she had no staying power. But sure enough, she’s here for good! And you know what that means? Sundresses! Strappy Sandals! Sunset strolls and cocktails on the porch! 

Where For Art Thou?

Where For Art Thou? - The Dressed Aesthetic

There really is nothing like the classics. This is true of literature and of vintage. I think I first read Romeo and Juliet back in high school. We all know the famous story by that cheeky Bard: The warring families, the unrequited love. The heartbreaking ending where the star crossed lovers can only find each other in death. Gah. Only in fair Verona.

Heard it Through the Grapevine

Heard it Through the Grapevine - The Dressed Aesthetic

Word on the street is that the phrase “matchy-matchy” has gotten a lot of negative press – it’s apparently the thing you want to avoid. A fashion faux pas if you will. However, there are certain times and certain outfits that just inspire me to match all the things. And this is generally the case when those things involve clothing masquerading as fruit (eh hem). Because if you are a gal who is very into her vintage and have acquired a fair few pieces of comestable-adorned clothing, every so often the perfect grape-appliqued beauty will come along and you’re brain…

Dance With the Flowers:
Introducing Alannah Hill

{Review} Dance With the Flowers: Introducing Alannah Hill - The Dressed Aesthetic

Back in 2011, Mr. Dressed and I made our rather momentous move to Australia. When we landed, there were 8 million details to sort out, from where to live, to driving on the other side of the road, to how to work out where on earth to buy a hammer (Bunnings, it turns out). And in the middle of all of this chaos, my tendency was to naturally seek out a place of comfort. Wondering how I would fit into this new world, with odd slang I hadn’t worked out yet and clothing shops full of things that didn’t speak…

The Princess & the Frog

The Princess & the Frog - The Dressed Aesthetic

We all know some variant of the classic fairy tale (originally written by the Brothers Grimm, who sure know how to write dark when you get down to it). I certainly remember it from when I was a kid: A princess who comes upon an enchanted frog. Through an array of twists and turns and some rather slick talking by the frog I would bet, she is convinced to kiss said amphibian. This smooch turns the cursed frog into a handsome prince and all live happily ever after. I suppose the moral of the story is that love can come…

Bicycle For Two

Bicycle For Two - The Dressed Aesthetic

It’s very, very rare that I style something the way the store presents it. I always like to put my own spin on it – be it with uber modern shoes, or a pop color that no one else would think of. To me, the epitome of personal style is the way that we can make a look our own. However, every now and then, I see an outfit being advertised and I simply must own the entire thing. This happened the minute I saw this vintage top and 1950’s novelty skirt shown at Pickled Vintage – I couldn’t imagine…

Little Red Riding Capelet

Little Red Riding Capelet - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve realized over the course of collecting vintage and starting this blog, I’ve inadvertently given my husband a bit of a fashion education. Years of describing garments and exclaiming over cute vintage details have slowly and subtly worked their way into his vocabulary. Words no man should ever need to fill their brain with. It started small. Glancing over from his laptop as I was getting ready, brow furrowed. “So…what do ladies DO when they don’t have one of those poofy crinoline things? I mean…don’t they want to be awesome?” From the mouths of husbands….

Pink Lemonade

Pink Lemonade - The Dressed Aesthetic

There are certain types of clothing I just can’t resist. By now, you’ve realized that includes border prints. Full skirts. 1950’s deadstock. Like Pavlov’s dog, I hear the bell of vintage ring and I’m ready to answer (and drool appropriately). But, my other weakness (for some odd reason) is fruit-adorned anything. Give me a peach tree bag. Blueberry embroidery. Ice cream heels. Put fruit on it or make it resemble something consumable and the world goes fuzzy around the edges as I dreamily reach for my Visa card….