Browsing CategoryDaily Outfits

Gone Astray: The Case of the Missing Suitcase

Gone Astray: The Case of the Missing Suitcase - The Dressed Aesthetic

Recently, I was on a bit of a whirlwind trip around the States, for work, then play, then work again. When I travel, as I’m sure is true for most of us, I like to bring my favorite things: The dress you always feel amazing in, my go-to shoes that go with everything (and never cause blisters), my most essential toiletries. I pack the things that are so much  part of my life that they’re almost an extension of me.  


Homunculus - The Dressed Aesthetic

Although many of you know me as the Shark Girl, at heart I really am a neuroscientist (just a shark neuroscientist. You know, normal). The brain absolutely fascinates me – particularly the brain of species we know so little about. No matter what an animal does or how it perceives its environment or reacts to it, it’s all controlled and modulated by the brain (in short: brains rock).

Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve been known to chase my fair share of rabbits into Vintage Wonderland. Despite the resolutions every so often that I’m cutting back on vintage purchases or enforcing a spending ban (I swear I mean them at the time), pieces like these will swan across my retinas and suddenly I’m completely powerless. I mean, the perfect border print dress? A vintage wicker novelty handbag shaped like a BUNNY? Show me the rabbit hole and wish me luck – I fall every time.

Six Years & Counting

Six Years & Counting - The Dressed Aesthetic

This coming weekend marks my 6-year anniversary of being married to pretty much the best guy on earth for me. Simply put, we compliment each other. Cause it’s never about a perfect person (which just doesn’t exist) – but the perfect pairing. I’m always a bit surprised when our anniversary comes around, particularly attaching a number to our time together, because it’s honestly hard for me to remember a time  in my life when my husband wasn’t in it. 

Johnny B. Goode

Johnny Be Good - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of my favorite movies of all time has got to be Back To the Future. And not the sequels (especially not the awful one set in the Wild West). My heart belongs to the original. Doc Brown’s antics (and crazy hair). Marty McFly and his inherent awkwardness. Got to love a story where the nerd gets the girl and the bully gets what’s coming to him. But even more than what is simply an awesome adventure story, I swoon every time they travel back to the 1950’s (shocker, I know). I mean, those dresses…

When Life Gives You Lemons

When Life Gives You Lemons - The Dressed Aesthetic

After every trip I ever go on, I always end up on the couch with a raging cold. As this was one of my most ambitious trips to date – with 5 weeks of travel across 12 flights, 5 cities, 2 coasts, and an exhilarating but exhausting mix of work and play – it’s no surprise I was rendered incapacitated. I arrived home and promptly collapsed. My body was DONE with me and, to show her rage at what I put her through, promptly robbed me of my voice and demanded antibiotics.

Wanna Share a Waffle Cone?

Wanna Share a Waffle Cone? - The Dressed Aesthetic

You know what’s really hard? Making new friends as a full, bonafide adult. This is something I’ve thought a fair bit about ever since I crossed that great 30+ threshold a few years back. There is definitely a time in your life where new friends abound. Your teen years and early 20’s (and if you go forth into grad school, even your late 20’s) make it look so easy. Every new class you take, every group you join, there sit new friends waiting to be made. Don’t particularly gel with anyone? Fear not! Wait till next semester for the bevy…

Cats & Cupcakes

Cats & Cupcakes - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’m the kind of person who doesn’t shy away from whimsy. Romantic and dreamy? Sign me up. Quirky and eye catching? I’m so in. Due to my penchant for quirk, I have a collection starting to reach critical mass of handbags approximating food items and shoes with ears and a dress (or 12) in a novelty whimsical print. I’m not sorry….