Browsing CategoryDaily Outfits

Immensity to Dream In

Immensity to Dream In - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve been a fan of Victor Huge since I was young. Truthfully, it all started when my mom bought me the Les Misérables soundtrack when I was about 13. I tortured myself with that soundtrack, belting out each song in my bedroom with teen-angst abandon. I have been lucky enough to see the show in New York, Boston, and now Perth, and to this day my heart aches over each and every mournful song.

Call Me Maybe

Call Me Maybe - The Dressed Aesthetic

Having a network of fellow vintage-lovers around the world means not only to we get to share in each other’s passions and celebrate our incredible finds in dusty cellars and treasures tucked in the back of antique shops, but we start to get a sense of each other’s tastes and the kinds of dresses that makes each other’s hearts beat a bit faster. The advent of the internet also means we’re able to connect with vintage sellers around the world, where friendships can be born that would have never existed 10 years ago.

Gift Wrapped

Gift Wrapped - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of the best aspects of living abroad while still maintaining a blog is the opportunity for my family to get a glimpse into my daily life. And though it’ll never be the same as interacting daily, even something as simple as seeing what I wear on a daily basis or knowing the random thoughts in my head from a cross-campus encounter makes us feel a little bit more connected. It also has the added bonus of allowing them to gain insight into the various items around the web I’m lusting after…

Swimming Upstream

Swimming Upstream - The Dressed Aesthetic

The last two weeks saw this busy bunny taking to the skies again. My latest work adventure found me in Seattle to meet with some potential new collaborators. And a trip to the Pacific Northwest isn’t possible without your mind going to salmon. They have one of the biggest salmon fisheries in the world and, I have to say, they are mighty tasty. Given that they were on my mind, it’s no coincidence that this salmon-hued vintage frock, bought years ago from Dear Golden Vintage, swam it’s way up and out of my closet this weekend.

{Review}: Sweet Defeat

{Review}: Sweet Defeat - The Dressed Aesthetic

Ladies, I have something crazy to confess: I’m really not all that fussed about chocolate. It’s not that I dislike it, but I can kind of take it or leave it. In the interest of full disclosure, I’m the girl who can eat 3 M&M’s. Who shrugs in the face of brownies. Who manages to make her Christmas chocolate last for months (you may all hate me now). However, despite my lack of sweet tooth, I was sweetly defeated the moment this Chocolatier Grab Bag from Vendula London came across my radar…

A Modern Fairy Tale

A Modern Fairy Tale - The Dressed Aesthetic

Heading back home after another whirlwind trip, staring blearily into the screen as I recover from the the 30+ hour flight path. As glamorous as travel sounds (and truthfully, can sometimes be), nothing sounds better to me right now than my own bed, a glass of single malt, and a husband to laugh with. Perhaps that is my personal version of a fairy tale – no White Knight needed for this gal (though I can get behind the bejeweled footwear aspect). And despite the allure of pumpkins and the ballgowns and the woodland creatures helping me get dressed, all I really need…

The Earth Laughs in Flowers

The Earth Laughs in Flowers - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of my favorite Emerson quotes has always been, “The Earth Laughs in Flowers.” The very idea that a bud pushing through the earth is like a giggle escaping, until it reaches full bloom of laughter, always makes me smile. If Emerson is right, then this amazing Souré bag from Poppycock Vintage has succumbed to a full belly laugh, hand clenched to her side, with tears streaming down her face. And her blooms perfectly matched the smirk of this Tuesday Rose Vintage dress, who’s embroidered flowers are about to bubble over in mirth.

Luck of the Irish

The Luck of the Irish - The Dressed Aesthetic

St. Patrick’s Day has always been one of my favorite holidays. I’m 1/4th Irish, and that translates to pale bespeckled skin, a love of Irish pubs, and endless amounts of corned beef and cabbage gobbled each year (though the whole ‘Irish temper’ thing seems to have evaded me). So, I generally bust out my favorite green frocks on 17 March without fail to celebrate and I was pretty excited with this year’s selection….

In Profile

In Profile - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve had a lot of queries since the blog launched about the photo in my profile pic, which is probably one of my favorite vintage pieces of all time. I’ve seen a vintage dirndl or two in my hunting trips, but never one in blue gingham and definitely never one that fit me quite so perfectly. A dirndl is a traditional dress worn in Germany, but many a vintage garment was made in the dirndl style (apparently called Landhausmode), with a corset-like front that cinches you in and pushes the girls up to high heaven.