Browsing CategoryDaily Outfits

Creepy Crawlies

Creepy Crawlies - The Dressed Aesthetic

I am not a huge fan of bugs (understatement, understatement). Oddly enough, rodents don’t even make me bat an eyelash, I have no issues with snakes (so long as they stay on their side of the path), and we all know I have the opposite reaction to most people when it comes to sharks. However, if there is a spider within an arm’s length of my person, I turn into a shrieking, squealing, jumping-on-a-chair mess. It’s not my proudest moment.

Wouldn’t It Be Lovely

Wouldn't It Be Lovely - The Dressed Aesthetic

I have finally returned from my crazy trek around the world and am wallowing a bit in my jet lag and post-travel cold (that I always seem to get). A whopping 36 hours in transit isn’t the most pleasant experience, but I have to say I still marvel at how small the world has become. How I can get on an airplane (okay 4) and miraculously find myself on the opposite side of the planet. And how liberating that feeling is. As though anywhere – and anything – is within reach.

The Children’s Hour

The Children's Hour - The Dressed Aesthetic

There’s a certain time of day referred to as “The Children’s Hour”, which is that moment just between the end of day and the start of night. It’s origin’s were in a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, published in 1860, where just before sunset was described as “A pause in the day’s occupations.” Though the poem is essentially about a father and his children, there was always something so melancholy to me about it. As if we can stop time before darkness falls. As if we can spot our long gone innocence in that moment, before we have to go and…

The French Quarter

The French Quarter - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of my favorite things and simultaneously most frustrating things about my wardrobe is how things can hide. Garments tuck themselves into corners and no matter how much I wear them, they still manage to slip from my memory. But, on the plus, flipping through the racks means I get to rediscover them and fall in love all over again. This Trashy Diva dress and I shared exactly that moment this morning. Gone but not forgotten, with her French Quarter print and sounds of jazz swirling from her skirts. Our eyes met across a crowded wardrobe and with a slow smile, we…

Love is in the Air

Love is in the Air - The Dressed Aesthetic

As we all know, that all loved up day that comes but once a year has come around the mountain again. Where the world succumbs to a glittery, heart-shaped confetti explosion at every turn. I know that a lot of people are pretty down on the whole concept of Valentine’s Day. Dubbing it “Black Sunday” and cursing it into oblivion. But, I think the V-Day tends to get a bad rep: “It’s a Hallmark Holiday,” “It was invented by the candy companies,” “It mocks singletons”….etc etc etc. We’ve all heard them (and some we may individually agree with). But, much like any…

In Retrospec’d…

In Retrospec'd - The Dressed Aesthetic

Do you ever have one of those dresses that simply makes you feel good? That every time you look at it in your wardrobe, you just know that when you slip it on, it’ll do it’s job. It miraculously won’t ever be too loose or too tight, irrespective of your ice cream intake the week before. It somehow manages to be ready for whatever life occasion you throw at it – from work with a cardigan, to a garden party with a parasol, to an evening out in glittery heels.

We’ll Always Have Paris

We'll Always Have Paris - The Dressed Aesthetic

As we’ve burst forth into a new year, I can’t help but cast a glance back now and then on the year we just bid farewell too. It’s interesting what evokes memories – a smell, a song, a glance at a person’s profile that spins you into a déjà vu moment. I spent a lovely afternoon on Sunday at one of my Perth favorites – Oh Henry Vintage. When I got home, delighting in my spoils (coming soon to a blog post near you), I caught a glimpse of another dress from Oh Henry that I hadn’t worn in awhile. I…


Constellations - The Dressed Aesthetic

We all have features about ourselves that we try to hide. Try to cover up, deflecting the gaze of passersby to other things. Maybe this is a birthmark you find unsightly, an area of your body you wish you could tone. Whether it’s stature or shape or a tiny feature no one notices except you, in your heart they are your cross to bear. But the truth is, these beautiful ‘flaws’ mark a roadmap to who you truly are, and should never be hidden away. 

{Review} Cats on a Wire: Introducing Modern Millie

A few weeks ago, one of my trusted vintage sellers, Modern Millie, contacted me about an exciting new adventure: They were launching their very own bonafide website! I’ve purchased a few swoonworthy vintage dresses from Modern Millie in the past (see one of my favorite acquisitions here) and even better, I’ve been lucky enough to visit their brick and mortar.

Over the Rainbow

Over the Rainbow - The Dressed Aesthetic

Brace yourself ladies, for you are about to meet one of the most amazing dresses ever to grace my closet. The kind of dress that makes the day a bit brighter, makes your heart beat a bit more quickly, and makes a Tuesday feel like the most perfect, endless Saturday. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The dress you never knew your life was incomplete without. The feeling of coming home.