I think sometimes we tend to find comfort in what we know – a certain vibe, a certain pace. And going outside of that comfort zone can be pretty jarring. Deep down, I think I always considered myself a city girl. You know, wise and worldly and all that. Even though the reality is, I’ve lived in a lot of different places, with varying degrees of cosmopolitan. Everything from a huge, bustling metropolis, with 8 million people crowding its streets, to a tiny fishing village, with little more than 500 people and a dairy. We’ve lived in the most isolated city in the world, to a place that felt like living in a fishbowl. And after experiencing all of this diversity, it might be time to admit that this city girl’s comfort zone falls somewhere in between…
We recently hit our three year mark of living in North Carolina – the first few years were a blur of moving our lives over from Australia, getting a handle on my job, buying a house, renovating said house. I still catch myself saying, “We just moved here…” or “I’m a new Professor…” but time has definitely done her thing. With the dawn of a new semester upon us, I have to admit that I finally feel like we live here.

This week marked the start of a new semester. A new crop of wide-eyed students, a return to an old routine. And though it was hard to get back into the swing of things after the break, I can’t help but enjoy the rhythm and a schedule. I just love the pulse of a campus buzzing with some combination of stress, Red Bull, and youth, brimming with all sorts of new possibilities.
And I realized as I was zipping between campus and my lab, this place actually feels like home. With a population of about 150,000, Wilmington is neither small town nor big city. You won’t find a place here that will deliver Chinese food at 3am and you also won’t find yourself stuck on a country road for 30 minutes surrounded by sheep (year, that happened. More than once). Trips to New York and Boston are fabulous for a long weekend, but I always find myself breathing a sigh of relief when I come back here to the lack of traffic and congestion and people who let you merge.
So maybe I’m not a city girl any more. But I sure do love a good vintage city skirt…
Outfit Details:
Top: Bindaring (similar)
Skirt: eBay (similar modern here & here & vintage here & here)
Headband: gift (similar)
Necklace: gift (similar)
Handbag: c/o Lola von Rose
Shoes: Irregular Choice
Lip Color: Dior Rouge 634
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Any items marked with a “c/o” (courtesy of) a retailer mean I was provided with an item for free in exchange for a review and/or feature on my blog. I always provide my honest opinion of any item I’m reviewing, regardless of whether it was sent to me as a courtesy item or if I purchased it myself. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links or ads on this site, I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase at no cost to you, which helps with the day-to-day running costs of my blog.