Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve been known to chase my fair share of rabbits into Vintage Wonderland. Despite the resolutions every so often that I’m cutting back on vintage purchases or enforcing a spending ban (I swear I mean them at the time), pieces like these will swanĀ across my retinas and suddenly I’m completely powerless. I mean, the perfect border print dress? A vintage wicker novelty handbag shaped like a BUNNY? Show me the rabbit hole and wish me luck – I fall every time.

In keeping with the whole rabbit-with-a-stopwatch theme, today has been one of those “Late, Late for a Very Important Date” kind of days. Ever have those days where you feel you’re perpetually running 10 minutes behind for everything? Random hook and eyes that pop off of their own volition and needed mending (+10 minutes), unexpected traffic for no reason whatsoever – looked to me like a puddle caused it (+10 minutes), and crazy cafeĀ queue of undercaffeinated coeds (+10 minutes). I need to figure out how to get that 30 minutes back at some point today, or it’s surely going to be Off With My Academic Head!

Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic

Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit styled using Dressed for iPhone

Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic

You’re entirely bonkers.
But let me tell you something,
the best people usually are.
Lewis Carroll,Ā Alice in Wonderland

Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed AestheticDown the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed AestheticDown the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic Down the Rabbit Hole - The Dressed Aesthetic

We have a group of students visiting the University from China this week and I get to teach them all about the wonder of sharks and the wonders of their brains. It’s sure to involve a lot of running around, a lot of question-and-answering, and a lot of recollectingĀ the joy of discovery. Probably my favorite part about teaching is getting to see my excitement for a topic reflected in someone else. I always appreciate the reminder, because it usually comes at a time when I’m so bogged down in administrative red tape and sorely need the resurgence of scientific excitement.

So, I’m going to and grab yet another coffee and hopefully in my caffeine buzz, those 30 minutes I lost this morningĀ will magically return to me while I’m racing to theĀ lecture theatre. Hey, if Alice can fall down a rabbit hole and come back unscathed, I guess anything is possible…

I mean, some people believe as many a 6 impossible things before breakfast. Or so I’m told.





Outfit Details:
Dress: Oh HenryĀ VintageĀ (similar modern or vintage here,Ā hereĀ &Ā here)
Necklace:Ā Will Oaks Studio
Handbag: La Belle VintageĀ (similar vintageĀ & modern)
Shoes: Vanessa Tao via Anthropologie, sold outĀ (similarĀ hereĀ &Ā here)

Lip color: Ā Nars Jungle Red


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The Dressed Aesthetic
