The Eagle Has Landed

The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic

Did everyone feel that crazy tremor that went across the entire United States the other day, feeling as though it originated on the east coast of North Carolina? That, my friends, was the entire country sinking a bit as our shipping container docked! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, all of my vintage has made it safely across the sea!

Granted it now has to go through a customs clearance and a mountain of paperwork before being delivered to our door, but it’s here! I can’t think of a better early Christmas present.Ā I’m definitelyĀ excited to get my hands on my closet and be freed from the rotation of the same 20 outfits (of course), but I think more than anything I can’t wait to have furniture. A sofa to plop down into. A table to rest a glass on. Quite literally a place to hang our hat. You don’t realize how much you can appreciate furniture until you have to go without for 10 weeks!

So, this 1950’s dress from Oh Henry Vintage is an homage to our furniture-to-come, particularly because the print always reminded me of woodgrain. There’s something so organic about prints that evoke natural elements. Maybe it’s why I’ve always been drawn to wave prints, leaf prints, florals. As if it took a moment to pause on the hem of a dress before returning to the the origins of nature again.

The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic

The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit styled using Dressed for iPhone

The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic The Eagle Has Landed - The Dressed Aesthetic

Given such an auspicious occasion, muchĀ celebration was had, which naturally meant a perfect party dress was required! This is perhaps one of the most perfect winter dresses: warm and cozy, and yet regal and fit for the kind of dinner worthy of celebrating a boatload of vintage.

We also took the time this weekend to leave our desks and set up our Christmas tree! With only a week to go, I realize it’s more than a little late, but I’m so glad we took the time to do it. It’s always good to stop and tinsel the house. To admit that work can wait, in favor of a perfectly mixed Manhattan and Christmas music playing out of our tinny iPhone speakers as we string lights and marvel at all that we accomplished this year.

So,Ā the Mr. and I looked up from our frantic typing and mouse-clicking to spend an hour racing shopping carts through aisles, picking up a tree and ornaments and cheer. Cracking up as we honored our tradition of picking out one special ornament each (sparkly blue and pink rhinestone bird for me. Ceramic Yoda for him. Yeah, no one is surprised). The kind of outing that has no bearing on a new job or a current client. The kind of moment that was exactly what we needed to get out of our heads and into the Christmas spirit.

Our stuff may not arrive for another few weeks. But I realize I already have everything I need. Happy Holidays everyone.



Outfit Details:
Dress: Oh Henry VintageĀ (similarĀ modernĀ or vintageĀ here,Ā hereĀ &Ā here)
Headband: Wore to my weddingĀ (similar)
Earrings: Gift (similar)
Gloves: Modern Millie Vintage (similar here)
Belt:Ā Alannah HillĀ (similar)
Handbag:Ā VintageĀ (similar hereĀ &Ā here)
Shoes: DSWĀ (similar hereĀ &Ā here)

Lip Color:Ā Retrofuturist


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The Dressed Aesthetic
