Well 2017, we are NOT off to the best start. What. A. Month. I know we’re all still reeling from the events of the new year, not the least of which is the chaos surrounding our new “leadership” (and I use those words very, very loosely). This has been a trying month for us all. The only hope I feel is in the upwelling of unity and support – not just around the country but around the globe.
A new year always feels as if it comes with a fresh start. A clean slate, brimming with hope and forgiveness of the past. But, this time around, I feel like I’m waiting for January to jump out from behind the bushes and yell, “Gotcha!” From the craziness of a new job that I was not prepared for (despite being oh so prepared), to having to say goodbye to Willie, to the current political climate, I am sorely tempted to climb into bed and hide under the covers until 2018.
But the thing about being an adult is, well, the need To Adult. As a verb. The need to get out of bed and keep fighting the good fight. Now is the time to charge into February, guns blazing. Fists up, stance strong. Energized from head to sparkly-heeled toe, ready to tell the world, “Ohhhh honey, you think you saw resistance? You ain’t seen nothing yet.”
So, with my fighting’ face on, here’s a roundup of my outfit favorites from January. For full outfit details, feel free to check out the original blog post.

Dress: Hep Cat Vintage (similar here & here) // Shoes: B.A.I.T via Modcloth

Bag: Slyfield & Sime (similar) // Crinoline: c/o Modern Millie

Dress: Retrospect’d // Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)

Shoes: B.A.I.T via Modern Millie (still available here)

Cardigan: Modern Millie // Skirt: c/o LuLaRoe

Tights: Modcloth // Shoes: Irregular Choice // Bag: Betsey Johnson

Dress: Jumblelaya Vintage (similar modern & vintage) // Shoes: Unique Vintage

Brooch: Green Accordion

Dress: Pinup Persuasion (similar modern & vintage) // Shoes: DSW (similar)

Dress: When Decades Collide (similar here & here) // Shoes: Irregular Choice (similar)

Bag: Vintage (similar here & here)

Dress: Deomas Vintage (similar modern & vintage) // Bag: Pinup Girl Clothing

Shoes: Miss L Fire (similar here & here)
I‘ve heard a lot of people talking about how depressed they feel at the moment. How fearful and despondant. And I am feeling very similarly – equal parts terrified of being uninformed but falling into serious distress every time I venture onto social media or turn on the news. It’s a veritable black hole of suck.
If any of you are similarly struggling (particularly with the onslaught of awfulness hitting our newsfeed at every turn), the best advice I can give is to get involved. Something I’ve had to come to terms with personally is that there is a difference between staying informed and staying immersed. I have definitely been guilty of hours spent on Facebook and the endless click bait it offers, falling more into a whirlwind of psychological destruction. But one of the problems with Facebook is that its algorithms are designed to feed us more of what we click on – leading us further away from the diversity of opinion and towards (a) a reaffirmation of what we already know and (b) the aforementioned black hole of suck.
So this week the Mr. and I decided to stay informed but not immersed. To get off of Facebook and find ways to be proactive, even in really small ways (which is seriously good for the soul). In addition to phone calls and showing up for marches and rallies, we started a monthly, recurring donating to ACLU. To be honest, it isn’t very much, but it’s what we can afford, and made us feel that we are (in a very small way) helping to contribute to all of the amazing work that they do.
Aside from being mired in the political mess, don’t forget to take time out to be kind to yourself. These are stressful times and neglecting yourself can only make your mental state worse. Head out into the sunshine. Slip on some sparkly shoes.
Then lift your chin and step back into the ring to fight.
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