One of the best aspects of living abroad while still maintaining a blog is the opportunity for my family to get a glimpse into my daily life. And though it’ll never be the same as interacting daily, even something as simple as seeing what I wear on a daily basis or knowing the random thoughts in my head from a cross-campus encounter makes us feel a little bit more connected. It also has the added bonus of allowing them to gain insight into the various items around the web I’m lusting after…
This dress from Janet & Jane Vintage made its way onto my Lust List around the pre-Christmas frenzy. The novelty ribbon print was so reminiscent of a perfect Christmas wrapped parcel! And you can imagine my surprise and delight when I opened one of my gifts from my mom on 25 December to find her tucked inside the festive tissue paper, winking at me. The dreadful heat of summer meant I had to be patient to wear her, but good things come to those who wait. I knew the perfect day would come soon enough, and today she has been finally, officially unwrapped!

Like with most gifts, this dress has put a little spring in my step today. Coupled with red ombre glitter flats that also happened to make their way under my tree this past year, I’d say today’s outfit is positively festive! And it’s needed, as the rain has settled in a here in Perth, making things a bit less-than-jolly. I’m not the biggest fan of grey and dreary weather, and these storm clouds appear to be taking off their shoes and getting comfortable. The only way I can combat the gloom is knowing I can finally burst forth with my sleeved vintage dresses and swing coats.
So, I’m off to a busy day full of meetings and trying to map out the next couple of months. No travel until June, which means I can take a deep breath and get stuck into research for a little while. And when you’re me, getting to nerd out with science is kind of the best gift of all…
Any of your Christmas gifts only just now making their way into rotation?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Janet & Jane Vintage (similar here, here & here)
Bracelets: Gift (similar)
Ring: Victoria Townsend via Macy’s
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar here)
Handbag: Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar vintage & modern)
Flats: gift, Lower East Side
Lip color: Retrofuturist
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