This morning marks my first lecture as a fully-fledged University professor. As you read this (chances are, as you are enjoying your morning coffee), I’m up in front of 94 undergrads trying to convince them that neuroscience is awesome and exciting (which they shouldn’t need to be convinced of, becauseĀ neuroscience is, in fact, awesome and exciting. But, you know, youth). I’ve handed out the syllabus and am explaining just what they’re in for this semester. And, if I must say, I am wearing some pretty fabulous shoes while doing so…
Clothing has always been my personal armor – not the way that I hide from the world, but the way I prepare to go into battle. I zip up a new vintage dress or slip my feet into some sky high heels, and all of the sudden I feel powerful and confident and like I can take over the world (or 94 undergrads, as the case may be).Ā Our shipping container was delivered last week, and despite my urge to rip into it and gleefully start organizing my closet, instead I set to work preparing for this crazy week. But I couldn’t resist opening a box or two, and saying hello to some old friends…

Truth be told, it was a lot harder than usual to walk into thatĀ lecture theatre this morning. And not for the preparation, the stress, the newness and normal first day jitters. It was a really, really rough weekend. I’m not quite ready to talk about it yet, but this morning was one of those days where your responsibilities have to come before your desire to crawl into bed and sleep for the next 5 years.
But, sometimes we have to put on our big girl shoes and march on.Ā So, a bit worse for wear, but battle armor on and head high, here I go. To put on my determined face and show a roomful of 94 undergrads just how awesome neuroscience can be.
Wish me luck!
Outfit Details:
Dress:Ā JumblelayaĀ VintageĀ (similarĀ modernĀ or vintageĀ here,Ā hereĀ &Ā here)
Ring: Victoria Townsend viaĀ Macy’s
Brooch:Ā Green Accordion
Belt: Alannah HillĀ (similar)
Handbag:Ā PinupGirl Clothing
Shoes: gift, Miss L Fire Ā via Unique Vintage
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