No matter how great anything is, we can’t help but be drawn to something else. What we once had. What someone else has. A different dress, shoes, circumstance. Personally, I find myself hopelessly drawn to whatever season I’m not in. If it’s winter, I only feel inspired to style summery looks. In summer, I start dreaming of cozy layers and fur trimmed coats. I just can’t seem to get myself on board with dressing for now.
Well, I can happily attest, the grass is always greenest whenever I’m wearing this 1950’s sundress from When Decades Collide. Somehow, she always seems to match the season (and my mood) perfectly. Now, there may be some who declare that the daisy-print plants her firmly in spring. Others may say that the white background means she should be tucked away after Labor Day. To them, I say – come over to my world, where the grass is green, the rules are broken, and the vintage is plentiful…

This past Friday, Mr. Dressed and I met several of our friends at the first annual Perth Pinup Prom, where the pink champagne was flowing and all of us vintage-loving ladies pulled out our most favorite vintage frocks. I’m not sure we quite anticipated just how many petticoats would be in the room, so crossing from one end of the bar to another was a bit of a challenge, but the performances, the positivity, and the company was absolutely perfect.
The only hiccup in the night was a complete wardrobe malfunction by yours truly. As a consummate planner, I had my dress carefully selected in preparation for the night, only to be thwarted by a 60+ year old zipper that finally gave up her fight and went to the great sewing notions shop in the sky. In a flurry of chiffon and millinery flowers, I found another dress that was just as deserving of a night on the town.
Maybe there exists a world in which mishaps don’t happen and plans always fall perfectly into place – but I’m not sure the grass is really greener over there. As I spun in my husband’s arms, noticing how the green of my dress perfectly matched his 1960’s suit, I realized that there is no point wishing for another circumstance. I didn’t want to be anywhere else than that exact moment, in that exact dress, with that exact person. And maybe that’s all we can hope for – to be happy with the here and now and accept life as it comes.
And just in case, always have a backup dress.
Outfit Details:
Dress: When Decades Collide (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Necklace: Bettina Darling (similar here & here)
Handbag: Bluebird Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: Re-mix, thrifted from Beleza Vintage (similar here)
Lip color: Nars Cinematic lipstick in Short Circuit
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