One thing I will say for my family is that they always manage to get behind my passions. From announcing my profession at 5-years old, to my decision to move halfway around the world, to this crazy love for hunting down embellished vintage amazingness. Even if they secretly thought I was crazy, they never let on. Instead, they would grab the pom poms and throw themselves into cheerleading me with the same fervor that I was chasing down my dreams with.
Something I’m proud to say that is being slowly transferred to my family via osmosis is my eye for vintage. I feel I’ve inadvertently created a swarm of huntresses-in-training, their eyes keen in thrift stores, scoring the racks, texting me photos, and honing their knowledge of labels. My mother in particular has been avidly sniffing the vintage trail, sometimes sending photos of things that weren’t true vintage or weren’t quite my style, but never giving up, always on the hunt. Always excited to share in something I find so much joy in.
Most recently, after a faculty meeting, my phone buzzed with a series of messages and photos. My mom had found herself in a consignment shop and came across this purple and white hued beauty and texted to see if it was something I might be interested in. As famed designer Victor Costa winked at me from my phone, I knew that my mom had completed her training. She could now spot the perfection where others might see only cast offs. I could barely text back fast enough. And before I knew it, she was zooming my way from New England.

One of the few designers I will cross the 80’s-does-50’s threshold for is Victor Costa. The way he unapologetically embraced color, the 3D details. And this piece looked practically to be deadstock – pristine and crisp and just waiting for a discerning huntress to unveil her glory. As I was making the choices of what to take and what to leave behind during our evacuation two weeks ago, she was tucked carefully into my suitcase.
The past few weeks have been an exhausting mix of absolute fear and absolute relief in equal amounts. Ups and downs and uncertainties. As many of you know, Hurricane Florence came through and wreaked havoc on the Southeast coast of the US last week and we spent two weeks hunkered down in Atlanta. We ventured back to our beautiful city this past weekend, driving through police barricades and moving slowly past fallen trees and debris. Both of our homes (rental and our new, beautiful recent purchase) thankfully, stood strong, with a mess of fallen branches but only minor broken shutters and leaks in a few areas that we had to contend with. But, we were so very, very lucky.
As we slowly look around with our neighbors and start to rebuild, clearing our yards and phoning insurance companies, I can’t help but think about how much worse it could have been. How fortunate we truly are. How often, in the wake of disaster, we have to hunt through the rubble for the silver linings, the perspective, the joy in all that we have.
Here’s to always hunting for appreciation, regardless of circumstance.
Outfit Details:
Dress: Revival Fashion Consignment (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Gloves: The Wonder Shop (similar)
Handbag: Fresh to Death Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: DSW (similar here & here)
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