For all of my fellow dress-loving ladies out there who struggle with how to dress for cooler weather, I really enjoy layering shirts under my dresses. Tights and cardigans are my go-to, but for the advanced dresser, there are all kinds of possibilities hiding in your closet you may not have even realized. I recently discovered the wonder of the Estelle Blouse from Heart of Haute – in addition to going with just about every one of my skirts (stripes are a neutral in my opinion), I’ve found they can very quickly take a summer dress straight into winter, where she can curl up with a cup of cocoa and feel just like she belongs.
My Estelle Blouse found her perfect pairing with this amazing damask print Carlye dress from La Poubelle Vintage. Wither her paisley swirls of black and red and orange, there is something about this dress that instantly evokes the feeling of heavy draperies. It wouldn’t look out of place gracing a window dressing of a stately home, or upholstering a fainting chaise in Versailles. She feels baroque and opulent. And this kind of opulence cannot be hidden away in the wardrobe, only to come out for the fair-weather balls. She deserves to be seen year round. And thanks to the magic of layering, she came out on this otherwise dreary day to bring forth a bit of luxury.
I can’t help it, I like my dresses. And you know what else they say. If it’s not baroque, don’t fix it…

It’s crazy to think that it’s already nearly February. The first month of the year both flew by and seemed to take forever. My January has been predominantly occupied with juggling teaching and our kitchen remodel – although it’s gone relatively smoothly in the scheme of remodeling horror stories, I don’t think I was prepared for how disruptive these things can be. Mr. Dressed and I have been sequestered to our bedroom for the past 3 weeks, which is serving quadruple duty as our bedroom, dining room, living room, and rather interesting obstacle course. Make a right at the box of spices to grab your coat, swing left at the dishes and leap over the stacks of cushions and you’re off to start your day!
Minus the layer of drywall dust coating just about everything we own, it’s amazing to see our dream kitchen come to fruition. I’ve taken a ton of photos of the whole process, which I hope to share soon. I remember walking into our house for the first time, which was perfect in every way with the exception of a wall that stood between us and our open floor plan dreams. But, suffice to say I’ve watched walls come down and islands go up and (nearly) lived to tell the tale.
I guess some things do need fixing after all…
Outfit Details:
Top: Heart of Haute via Modern Millie, sold out (still available here)
Dress: La Poubelle Vintage (similar modern & vintage here, here & here)
Belt: WHBM
Bracelet: street fair (similar)
Handbag: Fresh to Death Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: Re-Mix via Trashy Diva, sold out (similar)
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