This time of year always has a feeling of inevitability. I don’t know what it is. Pre-Thanksgiving always still feels like autumn, where the cool weather is just beginning and we’re only about 3/4 of the way into the year. And then the second the last drumstick has been polished off and the last dish dried, this side of the holiday feels as if we are barreling towards 2018 with a force too powerful to stop.
We had an incredible Thanksgiving, however quiet and unconventional. We decided to stay in this year (literally, in our pajamas). I missed being surrounded by family and the huge meal with mountains of leftovers, but I really appreciated our understated lemon roasted chicken and Harry Potter marathon and a day of giving ourselves permission not to work. Although I wanted the day to go on forever, in an endless loop of couch-surfing, before I knew it I was greeting a new week. I guess that’s the thing about time. It moves endlessly, persistently onwards.

Change has to be hard because you’re fighting against inertia.
James Thornton
Newton’s 1st Law states that an object in motion will stay in motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest, unless acted upon by another force. It took a pretty major force to get my tired, semester-worn self off the sofa and back to the daily grind after my pumpkin-pie induced bliss. I can never quite understand why it’s so much easier to get 12 things done when you’re in constant frenetic motion, but I definitely think Newton knew his business. Because the minute I stopped, my body sank into the sheets and settling back in front of my computer again the next day took a force greater than me. Well, it took a force and about 12 gallons of coffee.
Speaking of a force greater than me, this dress from Prettie Lanes basically took my breath away. I have been eyeing their bespoke creations for years now, and finally took the plunge on this daisy-speckled beauty. She fit like an absolute glove and, along with the perfect lemon yellow cape from Sartorial Matters, brought a bit of much needed color into this grey day. Fran has very limited runs of her dresses, so if you see one that speaks to you, it’s always wise to pounce sooner rather than later (or end up forever haunted by the dress you didn’t buy. You know you’ve been there).
So, hoping to get my butt in gear and capitalize on some of that inertial energy today. Perhaps if I put one foot in front of the other, I’ll stay in perpetual motion long enough to put this To Do List behind me….
Outfit Details:
Dress: Agnie dress via Pretty Lanes (sold out)
Belt: gift, Love Like Style
Cape: Sartorial Matters (similar here & here)
Handbag: Vintage (similar here & here)
Heels: Seychelles (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Besame Red
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