After every trip I ever go on, I always end up on the couch with a raging cold. As this was one of my most ambitious trips to date – with 5 weeks of travel across 12 flights, 5 cities, 2 coasts, and an exhilarating but exhausting mix of work and play – it’s no surprise I was rendered incapacitated. I arrived home and promptly collapsed. My body was DONE with me and, to show her rage at what I put her through, promptly robbed me of my voice and demanded antibiotics.
But, life is all about perspective and there is a plus side to succumbing to illness. Though I can lament my stuffy head and a voice that still sounds like a pre-pubescent boy, I always find that being sick is my body’s only way of getting me to stop. Of forcing me on the couch to indulge in too much bad tv and fully recharge my batteries. And because I truly allowed myself to rest, I was able to come back and attack this past week with fervor and determination.

When life gives you lemons, make margaritas.
This amazing border print 1950’s dress, scooped up from Oh My Gato Vintage, simply exudes happiness. It’s impossible to feel unwell in this dress, and it is no doubt contributing to my healing process. We all have our happy place – and vintage is always my go to when I need an infusion of something to get me skipping again. I like to think of it as Fashion Vitamin C.
Speaking of vintagey-goodness, don’t forget to enter my giveaway to win up to $150 to spend at Nicole Elaine Vintage! You can use it to scoop up that stunning vintage dress you have your eye on and help build up the next generation of vintage lovers! Read all about the details and enter to win on the post: The #vintagegeneration.
Wishing you all good health and, if your immune system is similarly getting you down, wishing you a vintage dress to get you through!
Outfit Details:
Dress: Oh My Gato Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: Beleza Vintage (similar here & here)
Bracelet: thrifted from Bindaring (similar)
Bag: Modcloth, sold out (similar here & here)
Socks: ASOS (similar)
Shoes: Fluevog (similar here & here)
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