So, as I was picking up my morning fuel (read: coffee), the lovely owner of the cafe (who sees me most every day) complimented me on today’s dress and as she handed me my daily injection of caffeine said, “Little birds MUST help you get dressed each morning.” I laughed and skipped off, but I’d be lying if I didn’t take a minute to dwell on how awesome it would be if I could sip coffee while woodland creatures braided my hair…or sewed me frothy confections while I was at work, only to be later whisked off in a magic pumpkin in some seriously cool footwear…

I suppose there is something Disney-esque about my look today. And I can’t say I’m not constantly drawn to ethereal looks with enchanting details. The soft yellow, blue embroidery, and wide ruffle collar. I feel like I should be carrying a basket of flowers in a meadow, singing in perfect tune, waiting for a wicked queen to offer me an apple or something. Instead, I’ll grab my laptop, latte, and head to the lab, singing broadway musicals the whole way to work, and should a wicked queen try to mess with me, I’ll raise one eyebrow and remind her that I use a scalpel for a living…
Outfit Details:
Dress: Vintage Whimsy (similar here and here)
Handbag: MoMo’s Vintage (similar)
Sunglasses: Gift from my Mister (from Beleza Vintage)
Shoes: Steve Madden thrifted from ACT II (Similar here & here)
Belt: Gift