As we all know, that all loved up day that comes but once a year has come around the mountain again. Where the world succumbs to a glittery, heart-shaped confetti explosion at every turn. I know that a lot of people are pretty down on the whole concept of Valentine’s Day. Dubbing it “Black Sunday” and cursing it into oblivion. But, I think the V-Day tends to get a bad rep: “It’s a Hallmark Holiday,” “It was invented by the candy companies,” “It mocks singletons”….etc etc etc. We’ve all heard them (and some we may individually agree with). But, much like any holiday, you can take the parts that are meaningful to you and leave the rest. As someone who isn’t the biggest fan of chocolate or much in the way of sweets at all (I know. My membership into the Women’s Club will be revoked any day now), the candy companies makes very little off of me anyway…
My main concern with Valentine’s Day is where, despite being a day about love, it oftentimes turns into an “us versus them” situation – where, if you’re single, you can feel that the holiday (and everyone who partakes) mocks you, as if not being in a relationship is somehow a failure (P.S. It’s not. You’re awesome). And if you’re in a relationship, you feel the magnified glares of single people the world over, as if by celebrating you are somehow gloating about your relationship (P.S. You’re allowed to be happy about your relationship. You’re awesome). Ultimately, what results is a holiday that doesn’t make a lot of people happy. But, who says Valentine’s Day has to just be about romantic love?

Truth is, I love my husband. I love having an excuse to get all dressed up and go out and celebrate how much I love him. We don’t just do this because Valentine’s Day dictates it so and sometimes go out on a random Tuesday, but for us it’s fun to have an excuse and a prefix menu. I get excited to surprise him with a present he didn’t even know he needed. And I love when he pulls out his vintage 1960’s suit and gets that familiar twinkle in his eye when I come down the stairs.
But, I also love a lot of people in my life. As long as I can remember, whether I was single or in a relationship, I decided Valentine’s Day was going to be about love – for my family, for my friends, myself, and a few hilarious years where I passed out chocolate on the street (not sure that would fly nowadays. I would probably be arrested for assault with a deadly chocolate weapon or something). I’ve had parties with my gals on various V-Days, received presents from my mom, my sister, even my 3-year-old niece (which makes you feel loved like nothing else!), and have spent a few alone, because V-Day is a good reminder to love yourself most of all.
Oddly enough, despite it’s somewhat negative reputation, St. Valentine actually holds some of my favorite memories – some of which had nothing to do with being in a romantic relationship. When it comes down to it, can a holiday about sharing love really ever be a bad thing? I guess only if we let it…
This year, Mr. Dressed and I decided to celebrate on Saturday night, so that we could overindulge and keep the happy train rolling by sleeping in the next morning. I donned a new (to me) sequined dream from Ruby Fayes Vintage and don’t believe I’ve ever gotten more compliments walking down the street in my life. I don’t know much about the woman who was lucky enough to wear this beauty before me, except that she must have had a life of glamour and had no problem spoiling herself (my kind of lady).
So whatever you are or aren’t celebrating today, I hope you shower the people in your life with love this weekend. And spend a little bit of time on yourself. Luxuriate in a bubble bath, spoil yourself with a new dress, remind yourself that you’re worth it. The one with yourself will be the longest relationship of your life, and it is definitely worthy of nurturing.
How did you love the world this Valentine’s Day?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Ruby Fayes Vintage (similar here, here, here & here)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Handbag: DSW (similar)
Shoes: Rene Caovilla, thrifted (similar here, here & here)
Lip Color: Nars Semi-Matte Lipstick, Jungle Red
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