I absolutely love the holiday season – it seems that everything takes on a festive glow and the twinkle lights strewn around make everything a bit more magical. I love the Christmas music playing everywhere (which I am also known to play in July if I’m having a really bad day. You just can’t be sad listening to Christmas music). I love the Christmas parties, the smell of pine needles, and the anticipation of that special someone opening that very perfect gift.
What I could really do without each December, is the stress. I spent a lot of time making a LOT of lists and feverishly trying to check them off, all the while trying to patiently wait for a parking space and dodge the thousands of people who also really want that parking space, that seem to have sprung up in my town overnight. One way around this – the advent of online shopping! The day that was born is also holy in my opinion. It lets me discover shops I may not have otherwise, where I can try to think a bit creatively when it comes to gifts and, whenever possible, shop small.
So, I’ve combined these things in my latest Lust List, to bring you some inspiration for those hard to shop for folks on your list. Along my shopping endeavors, I also happened to find one or two things Santa might want to leave for me, should he feel so inclined….
For Him
Is it just time, or are guys the hardest to shop for? I usually start to stress about a month before I have to get Mr. Dressed anything. So, I spent some time poring over my favorite sites to find some awesome gift ideas for the special guys in your life….
I know how much Mr. Dressed loves his coffee, and there are some really awesome mugs out there. I almost died laughing when I saw this one…
I actually have a similar multitool in my car, and it’s gotten me out of more than a few jams. Plus, what guy doesn’t love gadgetry?

I’m loving these personalized hip flasks!
What guy wants cold feet? And this buzzing pair has perfect socks appeal….
Keeping with the coffee theme – DARTH VADER MUG!

Got a man in your life who loves cooking? Well then – alpaca measuring cups!

These awesome scenic heat pads would definitely ease the aches and pains of being so manly all day…
Also loving this vintage german beer stein…
For Her
It can sometimes be tough to buy clothing for your girlfriends, especially unless you know they’re sizing really well. For this reason, I stick with awesome accessories a lot of the time – jewelry, handbags, and the occasional cardigan or capelet. Cause let’s be honest, if it sparkles, you’re pretty much set…
Such beautiful bow and arrow necklace. To remind us that we’re feminine, but undeniable hardcore…
Trust me, if it’s glitter, she will want it in her closet. This bag is so fun and festive!

Got a group of girlfriends to buy for? These headbands are so beautiful (they would make great bridesmaids gifts too).
For the vintage lover – Soure bags are so collectible….
I just love the color combo on this pink and green 1960’s choker…
I know it’s listed as a headband, but I would totally wear this beauty as a belt…
I’m such a fan of receiving vintage handbags, that giving them is an obvious choice! This 1960’s cutie is the perfect size!

Are these the happiest cloud stud earrings you ever did see?
Any gal I know would swoon if she opened this capelet on Christmas morning…

To brighten up her desk at work, a vintage ladybug stapler!
I love novelty bags. I have a lemon, but no lime yet…

Cause guys aren’t the only ones who deserve socks… J’adore les chausettes!
Ummm…it’s a cat. And a paperweight. Enough said.
I love this adorable retro-inspired apron – one size fits all is always a great gift, because you never have to fret over sizing.
This bracelet is made up of hundreds of tiny flowers – stunning!
For the Kidlets
Shopping for my niece is one of my absolute favorite parts of Christmas. It reminds me how over-the-top excited I used to get, willing Christmas morning to arrive faster. I wouldn’t be able to sleep the night before in anticipation and, to keep out the prying eyes, my mom used to wrap the door to the living room (which inspired a KOOL-AID man style entry on Christmas morning). So, I’ve pulled together a few ideas for kids to help keep the magic of Christmas alive…
What better way to send them off to dreamland than with these amazing pillowcases?
I’ve discovered this amazing company called Princess Awesome that makes clothes for girls that honors and reflect the wide range of girls’ interests and debunks the whole girlie stereotype. A dress with cars? Yes please! Girls should where what they want and not feel constrained to fit within what they are “supposed” to like. I love supporting companies with the tag line, “We love dinosaurs…and tea parties..and all things awesome.” You go girls.

So many cute plush options out there, but I think I like Hector the Monster the best, who marches to the beat of his own drum.
I know I would have hopped into the shower much more quickly has a kid if I had this shower head (plus, 3D printing is just so cool).
Handmade mobiles are always such a lovely gift. I love this undersea kingdom one!
These illustrations are so cute! I always love things that work for kids, but have something to make the grown-ups smirk…
Any chance dressing up is big with the kidlets in your life? Thought so. These bunny ears remind me of Where the Wild Things Are.
For Me….
So…I was good this year. Doesn’t that mean I deserve a present or two? Okay, the truth is that it’s physically impossible for me to browse online without finding one (or 12) things that I’d like for myself. So, here are a few more things on my wishlist…
I’d love to burst forth into summer with this perfect 1950’s yellow frock.
It doesn’t get much cuter than white vintage gloves…except for white vintage loves with little red birds on them!!!
I alway love Bernie Dexters prints…this one is amazing (with a corset tie in the front to boot!)

I swoon over 3D appliqué…this 1950’s skirt is perfect.
I love these snowflake nail wraps – they’ll spruce up every one of my Christmas outfits.
Ahhh I love this bag. If Santa brings me some $$, this Glitter Storm Cloud bag and I have a date with destiny…
So, how are you doing with your Christmas shopping? I feel like I’m pretty on top of things (famous last words), with a few things still to get but most of it safely packaged and in the hands of the US Postal Service. Because most of our family is back home, Mr. Dressed and I tend to rely on the wonders of the internet and the lovely staff at USPS to make it a happy holiday season.
Did you wrap up your shopping in June? Are you still scrambling for ideas? Hopefully this list provided a bit of inspiration. After all, the faster you finish your Christmas shopping the faster you get some egg nog!
Happy Holidays!