It’s that very magical time of year (for me at least) – my birthday is coming up! So naturally I start cultivating list after list of all of the pretties around the interwebs that seem fitting of a birthday girl (completely separate from my normal wish lists, of course). I’m not sure why, but items take on a certain special glow when they’re for my birthday…
And I have to say, my favorite shops are killing it at the moment with beautiful would-be purchases. I think it’s Murphy’s Law: around my birthday I’m on a self-imposed shopping ban (to avoid the accidental happening of buying myself something that others also buy. This has actually happened before…). So, during a shopping ban, you always see zillions of beautiful things available for purchase. If I had cash burning a hole in my pocket, then I would surely find nothing.
So, here’s a curated list of goodies I’ve seen recently that I’m lusting after. Ohhh what’s a birthday girl to do?
To Decorate the House
How adorable is this ceramic ring dish? (and the Loch Ness Monster version is pretty adorable too!)

I used to take so much more time to scribble in a journal than I do these days. Perhaps with one of these I might start up again…

To Adorn the Birthday Girl
It truly doesn’t get any more beautiful than this vintage chiffon party dress.

Oh to walk through fields of tulips with this 1950’s felt skirt…

It’s my party and I’ll sparkle if I want to…

When in doubt, never mess with classic black….

I’m not sure it gets much more “me” than a vintage-inspired fish sweater!

Pink and girlie – this 1950’s dress is every girl’s dream.

I forget the context, but around Christmas my brother-in-law mentioned that (and I quote), “All I need now is a watermelon skirt.” Well, ask and you shall receive…

For some reason, my birthday always brings back memories of pink icing. This dress reminds me of that perfect pink icing that used to trim my birthday cake…

For My Dancin’ Shoes
Ummm…just hand me a wand and point me to the pumpkin, these shoes are DIVINE.

There’s just something about embroidered shoes that’s so dreamy….

For My Arm Candy
Umm…birthday cake purse on my birthday??? Yes please!

I have always been such a sucker for a lucite handle. This bag is just divine…

These vintage wicker animal purses are always so amazing (with an amazing price to match! Sigh. I need to be rich). This fish one is the catch of the day…

To Frost the Cake
This brooch is just perfect, delicate and feminine, and I can almost hear the music from the jewelry box start to play…

So I’ll never forget my name, these rings are darling

I love statement jewelry – this succulent bracelet is so unique and dramatic.

And then of course, what’s a birthday without the bling…

Ahhh even though it’s still three weeks away, I always start to get excited like a wriggling puppy around my birthday. I know you’re not supposed to want to get a year older after you hit 30 (or some other ridiculous rule), but as someone who is planning to be that women in her 80’s, dressed to the nines in 4 inch heels, let’s just say getting old doesn’t sound so bad.
And although birthdays are a time for being spoiled, they’re also a time to remember how much work there is still left to do in this country. An amazing gift right now would also be if everyone made a donation to Planned Parenthood or the ACLU – even small amounts can make a difference. These amazing organizations are working around the clock to provide quality healthcare and fight for our civil rights. I know so many of us are amongst the privileged who are not in daily fear of our rights being taken away, of being separated from our families, of being marginalized because of who we love – but that does not mean we ever stop fighting. It actually means it’s our job to fight even harder for those who are not so privileged.
And now, you to yours and me to mine. I’m off to educate!
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