Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles

I have an odd obsession with food-themed clothing and accessories – fruit in particular. For whatever reason, I’m utterly charmed by a strawberry print, a cherry necklace, a fruit-appliquĆ©d bag. Given the plethora of delectable items I’ve come across over the past few weeks, I can at least take comfort in the fact that I’m not alone in my love of consumable-inspired fashion.

So, for the love of fruit, here’s a roundup of some of my latest obsessions…

To Adorn the Fruit Basket

The velvety lettuce leaves and tiny budding flowers on this hat feels like the Garden of Eden… I’m not a hat person, but I may need this one.

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via High Hat Couture

This beautiful handmade carved bracelet is as refreshing as a mint julep in summer.

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via The Moby Duck

They do say that breakfast is the most important mealĀ of the day, so thereforeĀ this necklaceĀ is important to own. And isn’t everything better with bacon?

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Inedible Jewelry

Perhaps not food themed, but I am in love with all manner of vintage gloves, andĀ these little polka dot numbers might be the cutest ever!

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Benji Boy Vintage

Now, this iPhone case is my idea of a balanced meal…

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Accessory Geeks

Autumn weather here in Perth kind of demands the most charming autumnal vintage carved acorn & leaves necklace.

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Garb Oh Vintage

For Stomping on Grapes

Some blissfully tiny-footed woman needs to take these berry-adored beauties home!

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Unforgettable Vintage

Every time Miss L Fire puts out theirĀ new shoes for the season, I almost always swoon over at least five pairs. These are no exception.

Cherry Season Wedges
Photo via Modcloth

To Wear in the Orchard

I love nothing more than a vintage novelty print, and this dress is too adorable for words…

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Coldfish

And this dress, because there can never be too many strawberry print dresses in my closet…

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Vintage Diva60

Ohhh this dress would be the epitome of life handing you lemons and me responding by wearingĀ the perfect 1950’s dress while sipping a lemon margarita…

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Found By Me Vintage

This dress is the kind that daydreams are made of…

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via It’s Darling Vintage

I love the vibrant citrus against the black background of this dress. As ifĀ all of that sweetness has a dark side…

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Unique Vintage

Ohhh to be petiteĀ enough to wear this gorgeous little number

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Sartorial Matters

Every once in awhile, a vintage-inspired cardigan steals my heart…. and this one is one sale!

Cherry on Your Sunday Cardigan
Photo via Modcloth

The colors of this 1960’s dress reminds one of Skittles. Taste the rainbow…

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Vintage World Rocks

If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain…you might as well be wearingĀ this dress! I mean – a pineapple print??

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Villa Villa Vintage

Need. Want. Cuteness overload.

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Calendar Girl Vintage

There’s something about this print that reminds me of strolling the beach in Hawaii, sipping fruity tropical drinks without a care in the world…

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Greater Goods Vintage

To Carry the Apples Back In

Oh this homemade bag of adorable needs to find its way onto my arm pronto!

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Outrageous Objects

Orange you thinking I need this bag? Yeah, me too…

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Nanas Cottage House

And with some handmade strawberry cuteness, this beaded coin purse is too cute for words.

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Reminisce47

What is is about strawberry bags? I swear, it doesn’t matter how many I own, I’m always on the lookout for another. This one takes the cake. The strawberry shortcake.

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via Bexley Drive Vintage

And Just Because

I may need to make something out of this ridiculously cute fabric… and then put together a BBQ themed outfit complete with that bacon and eggs necklace above…

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via SewStitchingHappy

And because occasionally he deserves presents too, I may need to get these adorable PB&J cufflinks for Mr. Dressed Aesthetic…

Lust List #4: Crazy for Comestibles - The Dressed Aesthetic
Photo via LittleTStudio

So you can be honest with me – am I alone in my food-based obsession?Ā Why I love fruit so much, I’ll never know. But, as with most things, I’ve decided to stop fighting the things I feel drawn to and just run with it. Any of these food-tastic items making their way into your wardrobe? It’ll be tough to narrow down which ones will be making their way into mine…

Have a great weekend lovelies!




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The Dressed Aesthetic