There are all kinds of people in the world. Introverts. Extroverts. Dreamers. Realists. Sports fanatics and ballet enthusiasts. The butchers, the bakers, The candlestick makers. And there are those who thrive on being around people. Who love the frenetic pulse of a crowd and, should they find a moment to themselves, have a burst of energy to call someone immediately and head out. And though I love spending time with my husband, have definitely been blessed with an amazing set of friends, and can certainly hold my own at a party, truth be told some of my very favorite moments are spent amusing myself.
It has been said that the most important relationship you have is with yourself – and I think there’s a lot of truth to that. And it’s a relationship that needs to be nurtured. So I take myself out on dates. I love going out to dinner alone on occasion, with a good book and a glass of wine. If the Mr. is having a horror movie marathon, I have no problem taking myself to the latest chick flick to laugh by my sweet self and enjoy popcorn for dinner. And personally, I prefer to shop alone – spending as much time as I want wandering in and out of stores, deciding for myself what makes my butt look big, and enjoying the thrill of the solo hunt.

I‘ve often described myself as being an introverted extrovert. A few days amongst a ton of people will exhaust me – but I love it when I’m there. My favorite thing is getting all dressed up for a night on the town, but I love it just as much as crawling into my pajamas on a Friday for an evening on the sofa with a homemade Manhattan and my husband beside me. At this stage I know myself well enough to know that my introverted side isn’t better than my extroverted side – they’re just me. And I’m good with that.
I wonder sometimes if that’s why vintage suits me so well. It’s not usually a style that we come to because it’s popular. Those who find there way to it are generally not following the crowd. Looking for someone else’s approval. Vintage tends to lie in wait for someone who appreciates those one of a kind pieces. She’s the gal with perhaps a few battle scars. A few secrets. The one with baggage, but has learned to accept it and treat it like the badge of honor it is. More often than not, vintage finds us. Finds us when we’re busy finding ourselves.
I’m so glad she found me.
Outfit Details:
Dress: Oh Henry Vintage (similar modern or SAME DRESS here or similar here & here)
Brooch: c/o When Decades Collide (similar)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Bag: Modern Millie Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: White House Black Market, sold out (similar)
Lip Color: Niagara
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