There are definitely good and bad things about traveling. The Bad: The chaos, the stress, the constant motion and never feeling settled. The Good: the excitement, the journey, the feeling that something new is waiting around every corner. I’ve also found, at the crossroads of good and evil, sits My Suitcase. True, there’s only so much it can hold, and I had to tearfully part from about 80% of my wardrobe. But the positive thing is that, each morning is a bit like Christmas when I open it up, Pulp Fuction style, and stare at the glowing contents within…
I must admit, the majority of the items in this outfit didn’t make The Cut into my suitcase. I had to really pare down my options, particularly when it came to shoes and handbags (sob!). And even then, despite a lot of careful planning, when it came down to packing there was a whole lot of frantic throwing and stuffing things where they’ll fit. As such, I’ll open one of our many suitcases each day to find lace patterned socks lurking within handbags, my favorite lipsticks, tucked in a zip lock bag and swirling around my glittered wedges. Truth be told, I’d forgotten about 99% of what I packed in all of the madness. Pulling this amazing 1950’s ivy print dress from Geronimo Vintage out from the depths was like greeting a friend I thought I wasn’t going to see for months.

Black magic never stops. What goes from you comes to you.
John Berendt, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
It’s hard not to talk about good and evil without feelings about the current political climate. In Australia, we were somewhat sheltered from the constant stream of new horrors pouring out of Trump. Now that we’re back, it’s impossible to ignore, as newscasts, Facebook posts, and articles accost us at every turn. The latest Trump tape leaked and while downright shocking, it truly (and sadly) came as no surprise to me. He has shown so many times he is capable of racism, xenophobia, sexism, and discrimination on so many levels. The fact that anyone is surprised by this latest recorded revelation is befuddling to me. I’m more horrified of all of the things he said as part of a political campaign prior to this tape, that the same outraged politicians turned a blind eye to. I’m more sad this is what our government allowed to happen.
Although I have no desire to get into any political debates, as I believe everyone has a right to their own opinion, I am Team Hillary all the way. Although she can be a bit polarizing, I personally agree with a lot of her stances on many issues – from climate change and woman’s rights, to health care and trades agreements – she actually sits slightly to the left of even Obama when you look through their historic voting record. Plus, I’ve admired her poise and grace under pressure during this entire election. Never faltering, never wavering, always prepared. Handling questions about her wardrobe just as deftly as questions about our foreign policy, despite only one of those areas being appropriate to have to discuss at work.
And when we come out of the ashes that have become American politics this year, I hope I get to witness history and see the first female American president elected. Because I want better for my country than what is currently being offered by the GOP. I want my niece to grow up in a time when she can look to the leadership of our country and see diversity. And hope. Where she will never assume race or gender (or let’s hope one day even sexual orientation) determines whether you can be president.
Despite the relentless grey cloud that is the election, we’ve got one more week in sunny San Diego, and we’re trying to make the most of it. I’ve been enjoying catching up with friends, hunting down new blog photoshoot locations, taking Willie out to frolic in the grass, and stuffing myself full of street tacos. But, to be honest, more than anything I’m savoring the joy of NOT PACKING. It reminds me of the feeling you get after you’ve been sick for awhile – even when you don’t feel 100% better, the mere absence of illness can feel downright euphoric.
I’m also excited to be getting back to some new blog collaborations this month – I had to be on bit of a hiatus these past few weeks as we relocated our lives, but there are some new shops to introduce you to and some new dresses to review. Ahhh October is looking up!
What awaits us? When it comes to politics or otherwise, I guess we’ll have to wait and see….
Outfit Details:
Dress: Geronimo Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Cardigan: Review (similar here & here)
Necklace: Macy’s (similar)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Handbag: Lux de Ville (similar here & here)
Shoes: Melissas (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Retrofuturist
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