I make no secret of the fact that I love color. The bright and vibrant. The muted and soft. I love color in prints and solids and stacked on top of each other like a fashionable rainbow. I’m the gal wearing bright yellow on the greyest of days. As such, it’s really difficult sometimes for me to work in monochrome. I started this look with a mission to stick to black and white. Feeling a lot like Dorothy before she opens the door to technicolor, my hands itched towards adding a red cardigan or a pop color shoe. Hi my name is Kara and I’m a color-holic.
I always think its good to step outside of our comfort zone now and then. And as most missions begin, this one was going really well; I was embracing my neutrals like a pro. I started with the perfect Trashy Diva Lena Picnic Dress, snagged in their most recent sale. And then the familiar twitch started to take over, aching for a bright shoe. No, I thought, as I slid my feet into black flats. I started to see dots of color behind my eyelids, with rows of vibrant belts dancing in my closet. I pointedly ignored them in favor of a black velvet belt. My hands ached for a colorful statement necklace, but I resisted yet again.
Truth be told, it was all going really well until: This. Bag. A recent gift from my mother-in-law (does she know me or what??), this bag represents my state of mind today. Perhaps it speaks to my need to always have a bright spot, even on the darkest day. I am a consummate optimist and can find the silver lining in pretty much any situation. The thing to hope for, to reach for. And if that thing just happens to a big, sparkly sequined fuchsia bow, who am I to deny myself?
And my monochrome look bites the dust.

In a way, I think it’s sometimes easier to see the world as black and white. Right or wrong. Yes or No. But, truthfully, most of the world at hand is in shades of grey. And in great need of a pop of color. Perhaps a big sparkly pink bow is not always available, but we can insert a pop of color with every good deed, every kind word, every time we take a stand and fight for those who can’t fight by themselves.
I’m slowly trying to achieve some sense of normalcy after last week rocked my world. I’m busily writing lectures and Mr. Dressed and I (and our furry companions) are officially moving into our permanent-for-at-least-the-next-year home. True, everything we own is on a boat and it’ll be pretty echoey and empty for awhile, but it feels amazing to be finding our footing in a world of chaos.
Speaking of finding my footing, I’m also channeling my sadness and anger from last week into inciting positive change. With a safety pin securely on my cardigan and buoyed by the proactivity of one of my best friends, I’ve made a list of my Congress representatives here in NC to call today. If any of you feel similarly inclined and don’t know about this resource, whoismyrepresentative.com is a comprehensive database where you can find out who represents you in Congress and rain the fire of change upon them.
Normalcy will never equal complacency.
Outfit Details:
Dress: Trashy Diva, sold out (in stock in red and found a true vintage version!)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Handbag: gift, Betsey Johnson
Shoes: Melissas (similar here & here)
Lip Color: M.A.C. Ruby Woo
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