There have been 10’s of thousands of new words added to the English language since I was born – according to Oxford English Dictionary (apparently the authority on the subject, seeing as they literally write the book on words), they add approximately 1,000 a year in a conservative estimate. Apparently these days a new word is added every 98 minutes. That’s crazy. Essentially, it means my niece will have to learn 32,000 more words than I did when I entered kindergarten.
This fun fact was brought to you by a new word I learned today: A neologism (from Greek néo-, “new” and lógos, “speech, utterance”) is apparently is the name for a newly coined word that may be in the process of entering mainstream language – and they’re only allowed into the Official Word Club if there’s enough evidence that they have widespread currency in English. This can range from phrases indoctrinated into our urban language that would seriously confuse a time traveller from the 1950’s (Google, tweet, phishing), to the blending of two words that are pretty cringeworthy (Metrosexual, Chilax, Bromance), or the semantic extension of an existing word (satiation, Californication). As you’ve probably noticed, a heck of a lot of these words have hitchhiked with the advent of technology. And the crazy thing is, however I might shake my head at words like “Brangelina” and “selfie” (and yes, they are in the dictionary), it’s impossible to to pretend that I don’t know exactly what they mean….

I have to say, I love the concept of blending the past with the present. New words born every 98 minutes from the simple act of growing and changing, embracing new technologies and colloquialisms into our mainstream culture. Merging the old with the new, vintage with modern. A 1950’s dress with modern sensibilities. Succumbing to the fact that there are things in our world that didn’t exist when we were born, yet it’s hard to imagine a time without them. Remember having to call a hotline to get movie times?? (Or worse, look in the newspaper?) Or how you’d arrange to meet friends for drinks and somehow all manage to actually show up without being in constant communication? Remember looking things up in an Encyclopedia for school reports or staying safe in the knowledge that if you did something stupid at a party, it was highly unlikely to turn up on YouTube the next day?
Yeah. I feel old.
So, what’s a gal who is in love with the past yet lives in the technological present to do? Join them in neologistic splendor, of course! Click my late 90’s heels and swish my modern crinoline under this splenderific 1950’s frock and check my Instagram before leaving for work, all the while streaming Frank Sinatra on Apple Music and feeling endlessly grateful I can research my latest project from the comfort of my own office rather than climbing the dusty stacks in the library after a thorough browse of the card catalogue. Ain’t modernism grand?
Have a positively beautific day!
Outfit Details:
Dress: Adored Vintage (similar modern here & here or vintage here, here & here)
Cardigan: Gift, Alannah Hill (similar here & here)
Brooch: Erstwilder
Handbag: Lancome (similar here & here)
Shoes: Madden Girl (similar here, here & here)
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