The unthinkable has happened: An openly racist, bigoted, misogynistic narcissist was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States on Friday. So, this past weekend Mr. Dressed and I joined the millions of people around the world participating in the Women’s March on Washington. We weren’t able to travel to DC, so we joined one the many sister marches happening across the country. Even in our small town in NC, I was so bolstered up and hopeful seeing the nearly 2,000 people who came out to support equality and to take a stand against an administration who supports everything but.
My FB and Instagram feed was beautifully flooded these past couple of days with stories and photos of marches happening everywhere, from San Diego to Seattle to Chicago, from Paris to Auckland to Antarctica, big city to small town. News stories continued to roll in every hour in a worldwide show of solidarity.
The past few months since the election have been full of fear and uncertainty, staring at a country I no longer recognized. Shocked at the misogeny, violence, and discrimination that was running rampant, emboldened and validated by the GOP and new President-elect. Appalled at those who choose to look the other way, or worse, normalize that kind of behavior. Words of “get over it” spoken by groups of people too blind to see their own privilege. And I was so proud to take part, even in a small way, and be one of the hundreds of thousands of collective voices saying it was not okay. That we would not stand behind a presidency that supports taking away women’s reproductive rights. That glorifies rape culture. That marginalizes minorities any further than they have already been unfairly marginalized. That alienates people of other faiths. That feels it appropriate to tell someone who they can love. That denies climate change. That wants to dismantle a system that provides healthcare opportunities to everyone. That wants to build a freakin wall. On Saturday, I saw that we can tear the bloody wall down.
I am not naive and realize that words are cheap. That a single day and a single march is not tantamount of active change of policy. But, seeing all of those beautiful, diverse, charged people come together was like watching a piece of history unfold. Even in our small town, I saw so many moments Saturday that made me cry. A woman who spoke of her sons, and how she wants them to be able to marry whomever they darn well please. Another woman who bravely shared her health issues and fears of losing healthcare due to a preexisting condition. I saw little boys carrying signs saying “Love Trump’s Hate” and little girls with signs saying “We are the future and we say NO.” An 80 year old woman wearing a vagina hat she sewed herself (and no, not one of the cat ear hats. An actual vagina hat. It was quite possibly the greatest thing I’ve ever seen). The open, bold faced ugliness was beaten back by a powerful, unified group who aren’t going anywhere any time soon.

I remember my feelings on Day 1 following the election. Seeing the hate and violence spread across the country. And though that hate and violence is not abated and we have a seriously long way to go, I’m proud of Day 1 following the inauguration. Because, this time Day 1 was on our terms. This time we were organized. And this time, we said, “To mess with one of us, is to mess with all of us.”
For some serious inspiration, I highly recommend checking out this NY Times Article and seeing the force of change that happened around the world this weekend. If you have an Instagram feed with even one follower, spread the message. And if you are a blogger with a platform, use it to motivate people. We have a powerful voice that can incite positive change. Call your Congress representatives and let them know what you will and will not accept. I’ve shared it before, but is a comprehensive database where you can find out who represents you in Congress and rain the fire of change upon them. If you don’t know what to say, here’s an amazing website that provides a set of scripts for over a dozen issues in the progressive agenda – I found it really helpful.
I cannot stress enough right now the importance of action. Volunteer. Get Involved. Flood your rep offices with calls. March. Stand strong together. Refuse to take even one step back.
Vintage fashion. Not vintage values.
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