Sometimes, for no reason at all other than it’s Tuesday, Mr Dressed Aesthetic and I will get all dressed up and go out to dinner. And he is well used to the fact that every time he sees me, my skirt will have somehow gotten pouffier. When we went out to Atrium awhile back and I donned this ensemble, I stayed true to form. Seriously, I need to watch myself in crowded restaurants so the frothy layers of tulle don’t knock things off tables…
I love the ethereal quality of a tulle skirt. I was never a ballerina as a child (I’m really not all that coordinated), but I could definitely get behind the fashion. The layers of featherweight tulle, the satin ribbons that lace up your ankles… I’ll leave the grueling workout routines and unforgiving leotards, but will definitely rock the footwear. Whenever I wear this skirt, everything seems to take on a dreamier hue, as if the world were suddenly lit by candlelight.

When I go really poofy in the skirt (i.e., most every day), I tend to balance with a more fitted bodice. One trick I’ve learned over years of struggling a bit with separates and avoiding shirts bunching or coming untucked, is to actually use a dress as a top. This fitted wiggle dress is the perfect way to edge up an ultra feminine tulle skirt…and always stays firmly in place.
While we were snapping these outfit photos, I had to laugh as the breeze caught the skirt and surrounded me in layers of clouds. I am usually at the mercy of the elements, but definitely see the magic in the fact that everything, from my skirt to my shoes, was dancing in the wind.
Whilst twirling in the breeze, my husband commented that these shoes looks like Betta fish, a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish. Now that I look at them, I see his point…and I sort of like the idea that hidden in this ballerina is a bit of a warrior. Just imagine what an army of tulle coming at you would be like… Hey, don’t they say the best weapon in battle is the element of surprise? It could work…
So let’s go battle this Friday, the fuller the skirt the better!
Outfit Details:
Skirt: Alexandra Grecco via Anthropologie (similar here & here)
Dress (as a Shirt): Jen Kao, made in kind for Anthropologie (similar here, here & here)
Necklace: c/o The Vintage Studio (similar here & here)
Handbag: Gift (similar)
Shoes: Irregular Choice via Amazon (similar here, here & here)