Hello Sailor!

Hello Sailor! - The Dressed Aesthetic

2016 is here! We had an amazing night out at Amani Bar & Kitchen on NYE, ringing in the New Year with cocktails, gangstas and a LOT of feathers flying everywhere (it was a Prohibition party. You could barely see through the feather boas). Now, we’re well into the New Year and I’m still well into my vacation! I’ve been indulging in a LOT of relaxing, some vintage hunting, catching up on a massive sewing and repair pile, and getting blog posts organized for the new year. If only every day were like vacation, I would seriously be the most productive person…

Resolutions: A Year in Review

Resolutions: A Year in Review - The Dressed Aesthetic

As another year draws to a close, I can’t help but sit, The Thinker-style, and ponder on what shape I want 2016 to take. To prepare myself for the inevitable questions of what my New Years Resolutions will be. Now, my cynical self tends to be squarely in the camp of “you can make resolutions any time you choose” where, for all intents and purposes, NYE is just an arbitrary date. But, my silver-lining self thinks the world can do with a few reminders now and then. And I have to admit, this time of year definitely lends itself to reflection and resolve…


How was everyone’s Christmas Day? Ours was fill of gifts and love and I ate more food than I care to confess (my Christmas dress didn’t last too long before the red and green striped pajamas were brought forth!) Mr. Dressed and I have fully let the holidays roll on over here and have sat under the gaze of our Christmas tree most of the weekend, barely leaving our pajamas and reveling in the happiness only true relaxation can bring.

Very Merry

Very Merry - The Dressed Aesthetic

I hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring-ting-tingling here! From our Dressed family to yours – wishing you a merry, sparkly, love-filled holiday season. I’m unspeakably grateful to you all for following along with my fashionable adventures this year – that’s been the best Christmas gift a vintage-loving gal can ask for.

Connect the Dots

Connect the Dots - The Dressed Aesthetic

As the end of the year is drawing to a close, I can’t help but look back on the frenzy of this past year and try to make sense of it. To try to connect a jumble of seemingly random events and wonder why they brought me to this particular moment – and where they’ll bring me to next. It’s definitely been a year of ups and downs (as most years are). Whether you believe in fate or the randomness of the universe, there is still something stringing it all together. Something invisibly connecting the dots.

Frock On

Frock On - The Dressed Aesthetic

Okay, we all know I love to dress up. I get fancy for a Tuesday. So I practically start to quiver with excitement when I get to get seriously frocked up. And not run-of-the-mill, simply wearing a dress fancy. I’m talking: Glitter. Tulle. Heels so high I become Amazonian. Eyeshadow so glittery I am mistaken for a disco ball. Skirts so poofy they need their own zip code. That level of fancy. Because standing under the mistletoe, welcoming the jolly fat guy in a red suit, ringing in the new year – these are not things to be taken lightly…

On the Borderline

On the Borderline - The Dressed Aesthetic

We’re entering into such a unique time of the year, where relaxation starts to rein triumphant. Since the start of December, I can feel everyone’s resistance slowly wearing, as work gives up her fight to the temptations of a relaxing Christmas holiday. There are more holiday parties, emptier hallways as the weeks wear on, and a general fading of the frenzied cloud of productivity that usually hangs over our building. I have to admit, I’m sitting right on the borderline – I have a few key things to check off my list before I officially start my holidays, but the tantalizing…

Smart, Sassy & Stylish:
Pin Up Persuasion

Smart, Sassy and Stylish: Pinup Persuasion - The Dressed Aesthetic

Back in October, I added a feature to The Dressed Aesthetic where I introduce you to smart and stylish woman I find inspiring and put some welcome, positive messages across our retinas (you can read about my last SSS Lady here). I think it’s important in this day and age, where all I seem to see are ladies in competition with each other, to instead lift one another up and celebrate the awesomeness that comes into our orbit.

Outside the Box:
A Few Easy Tricks to Maximize Your Wardrobe

Outside the Box: A Few Easy Tricks to Maximize Your Wardrobe - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’m sure I’m not the only one who stares into the depths of her closet in the morning and mutters the infamous phrase “I have nothing to wear!” (yep, even me). Truthfully, it doesn’t matter if you have Emelza Marcos shoe collection or are reaching for a potato sack each day, everyone’s wardrobe can use a little recharge. That’s when I start to think outside the box…