Poppy Fields Forever

My love of scenic prints knows no bounds. I have a particularly soft spot for photo realistic prints, and as Spring is looming here in Australia, flowers are blooming and so is my wardrobe. The bright red poppies on this Chicwish skirt just sing out for warm weather and skipping through fields and falling asleep in the shade of your favorite tree. Naturally a conversation about poppies turns my mind to the Wizard of Oz and the closer I look, I realized I have an deconstructed, Dorothy-themed outfit, complete with ruby slippers and a hot air balloon brooch (I swear, sometimes…

Watch Out

I’m not sure what it’s like in your household, but in mine, gadgetry abounds! We have a plethora of iPhones, iPads, iMacs…I basically live in iHouse. I guess that sort of comes with the territory when you marry an iPhone/iPad software developer. And I’m certainly not complaining – I would never be this technologically savvy if I were left to my own devices…

Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home

Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home - The Dressed Aesthetic

Ladybug, ladybird, May bug – the first taste of spring has more than a few names. The subject of many a nursery rhyme and many a superstition, I can’t help but anthropomorphize just a bit and imagine when I’m lucky enough to spot a ladybug merrily zipping my way, she is completely aware of her adorableness and charm as she blows me a kiss (and who doesn’t love a cute red and black polka dot coat?) It’s actually a common misconception that you can tell a ladybug’s age by counting her spots, but that’s just a myth. A lady never reveals her age…

Storing Nuts For Winter

Storing Nuts for Winter - The Dressed Aesthetic

Given my recent trip to sunnier pastures, where it was 28 degrees pretty much every day, I find myself bundling up more than usual this past week, which seems more in line with the folks scurrying past me on a daily basis. It’s odd to be fitting in – truth be told, I’m rarely so seasonally attired. I tend to be the one who’s never dressed appropriately for the weather regardless of where I’d spent the week before on a beach, and the phrase, “You must be FREEZING” is heard about 3 times per day in the winter. But, a…

No Place Like Home

No Place Like Home - The Dressed Aesthetic

One of the hardest things to do after a blissful holiday is to get your head wrapped around the concept of ‘real life’ again. It was a bit scary how quickly I adapted to no internet, no set schedule, and a life that didn’t require shoes. Safe to say that by the end of our stay at the Octopus Resort on Waya Island in Fiji, I was pretty reluctant to check my emails and get back to the daily grind. Once I was back, though, I admit it was pretty nice to curl up in my own bed, pick up Willie…

The Eye of the Beholder

As you read this, I’m firmly ensconced on a beach in Fiji, cocktail in hand! In an effort to be uber organized (and, let’s be honest, an effort to not even glance at my computer for a full week and a half to truly enjoy said cocktails), I scheduled a post or two for while I’m away. This was an outfit from a few weeks ago, where I had a joyous run in with one of those rare folks who doesn’t understand why someone would choose to wear clothing that is (and I quote) “used”.

Lust List #7

Bula! As many of you know if you follow my Instagram, the Mr. and I are currently lounging on a beach in Fiji (you have full permission to hate us). I’ve been SO excited for this trip – firstly, because I get to watch one of my very best friends get married and secondly, because hello FIJI! So, in the months and weeks leading up to the trip, there’s been the obligatory planning and booking and list-making. Aaaaaand a bit of online browsing for beach-related essentials, which morphed into beach-related non-essentials, which then just became LOOK AT ALL OF THE…

Investing in My Happiness

I had an interesting run in on campus the other day as I was racing in between meetings (I have two offices on opposite sides of campus. Completely logical, no? Not the most convenient, but certainly keeps me fit!) As I was scurrying forward between my set coordinates I naturally had to stop for a quick coffee. As the automatic doors swooshed open, I passed by a woman who took in my look from head to toe and met my eyes smiling. She gushed sweetly over how much she loved my outfit. “I always admire how beautifully you dress,” she sighed.