Something Winter This Way Comes…

Truth be told, I don’t really have a designated “winter wardrobe.” I know there are people who even rotate through their closets by season, boldly packing away their summer dresses and strappy sandals during the winter months. However, if I were to pack away everything that the laymen would file under the the category of “summer,” I would probably be left with about four things in my closet. And my dresses would be so sad, wondering why I abandoned them without warning…

Spotlight On: Oh Henry Vintage

I’m often asked by my readers for advice on trustworthy, swoonworthy vintage shops. So, once every month or so, I feature one of my favorite vintage treasure troves – both local and online – and give you a bit of insight into the shop owners and their curation process (see last month’s feature here). For this month’s featured vintage shop, I’m turning the Spotlight On a local Perth gem – Oh Henry Vintage. 

Down on the Farm

I have and will always have a weakness for novelty prints. Their quirkiness and whimsy, what’s not to love? I am particularly enamored with prints that look like polka dots from afar, but reveal their true colors the closer you get. When I first spied this particular dress, it looked like a series of black, brown and blue swirls…but upon closer inspection I nearly squawked with the cuteness of it all. I mean, ROOSTERS? Now there’s something to crow about…

Favorites: Goodbye July

Ohhh I love a good outfit recap! Somehow looking back on these photos, it feels like I wore them a hundred years ago instead of just at the start of the month. I think a large part of that was due to our trip to New Zealand mid-July, which was like being transported to another world. What is it about traveling that always seems to feel as though it happened ages ago and just yesterday all at once?

Frills & Thrills

There’s nothing that makes my heartbeat quicken with quite as much commitment as the word Tulle. Tulle dresses, tulle skirts, tulle trim… Floaty and feminine, speaking to sun drenched fantasy and candlelit dinners and twirling around a twinkling ballroom. Also speaking to, you know, Fridays. Cause I haven’t met a Friday yet that didn’t require a bit of whimsy…

Sundae Best

When I was young, I remember very vividly the dresses that were saved for a special occasion. The dresses that lay tucked towards the back of the wardrobe, to brought out on holidays, when the day took on a certain reverence. My favorites were always my Easter dresses. Usually some combination of velvet and tulle, those dresses really epitomized the concept of Sunday Best.

Just Dropping By…

Although I’m still relatively new to this whole blogging malarky, one of my favorite things about starting and maintaining a vintage style blog thus far has been the incredible community of people I’ve tapped into and the ability to connect with like-minded people all around the world. When you think about it, it’s kind of remarkable how far technology has taken us and how quickly you can feel close to people you’ve never actually met. If you told me 20 years ago all of this was possible, I’m not sure I would have believed you. here really is comfort in this idea of…

Faerie Lights

Given the amount of traveling I’ve done in my life, I realized I’ve spent nearly a decade in the Southern Hemisphere. The majority of my time has been in Australia and New Zealand, and while they are both thankfully English speaking countries, I swear they need to come complete with a translation guide. My recent trip to New Zealand this past week had me reaching into the recesses of my brain for the kiwi colloquialisms I once knew so well, even though it had been nearly a decade since I’d lived there.