I come from a long line of lead-footed women. What I mean to say is that speedy driving runs in my blood. I learned to drive on the streets of Boston, where people don’t mess around. Where speed limits are merely suggestions and using your blinker is a sign of fear. So, after moving to Perth 5 years ago I really had to acclimate to an entirely different driving culture. One of politeness, of obeying traffic laws. Where people merrily let you merge and if you edge so much as 5km over the speed limit, you can be just as sure a ticket will be merrily zipping through the post to your door.
Though I am now very used to the driving scenarios common in Perth, and actually love the cruisey, laid back way of life, I’ve realized in my recent travels home to Boston that a certain instinct hasn’t gone away, but has rather just lain dormant. Upon picking up our rental car from the Boston airport, I swear the vehicular beast awoke; I clenched the steering wheel, revved the engine, and the all-too familiar driver of my past burst forth and I tore back through the streets I knew so well. Needless to say, Mr. Dressed was mildly terrified.
When it comes to driving in the city, it’s all about survival of the fittest. I’m sure no one expects a gal in a floral vintage dress from Word from the Bird to navigate the harrowed waters of the Boston interstate, but there are definitely times when you just have to adapt, put the pedal to the metal (or the petal to the metal, as the case may be), and get yourself home…

It’s been a bit quieter around here than usual, due to heaps of travel and having way too much fun. Our trip has been pretty incredible so far – the most amazing being the wedding from this past weekend for one of my very best friends. It was an incredible blend of traditions, with a morning Indian ceremony, with all of us bridesmaids resplendent in our colorful saris, to a quick costume change followed by the American ceremony, where the bride walked down the aisle to the most beautiful acoustic version of Take on Me I’ve ever heard (Ah-Ha fans unite!)
For anyone who has ever planned or been in a wedding, we all know the craziness that can lead up to the event. The desire to make everything perfect, to have all of your plans fall into place. But when the day finally comes, you realize it already was perfect. Cause you have found that perfect-for-you person. And there will surely be more chaos and corners to careen around. More dark alleys and detours and unexpected delays (cause marriage is about so much more than just a day). But, as I caught the eye of my own beloved across the room while the newest members of the Married Club said their vows, I realized that sometimes, you can’t worry about perfection or what lay ahead.
You just have to take a deep breath, put the pedal to the medal, and drive off full speed towards the future that awaits…
Outfit Details:
Dress: Word from the Bird (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Handbag: Bettina Darling Vintage (similar here & here)
Shoes: Poetic License (similar here & here)
Lip Color: Nars Shiap
Eyeliner: Tarteist
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