There was this rather whacky song I loved when I was a kid – “The Purple People Eater” – which was really popular in the late 50’s. It basically sings the tale of a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater who has a grand plan to come to earth and start a rock & roll band (go with me here – it all made sense a the time). Now, I was never clear whether he was purple and ate people, or if he selectively chomped purple people exclusively, but it was a rather cheerful song despite the supposed grape-tinted carnage.
Whenever Sheb Wooley started those first few familiar words, I couldn’t keep from bouncing around my living room. And from the moment I pulled out this vintage plaid dress from my wardrobe this morning, I’ve had that song dancing between my ears ever since. In my head I always imagined a rather cute, fuzzy purple creature who was somehow misunderstood, just trying to follow his dreams, who happened to have particular dietary restrictions. Maybe I simply will always identify with the underdog…

I feel like, one way or another, we’re all Purple People Eaters. Pointed at for our oddities. Sporting our wings proudly. Distilled down to a single word or put into a single category, but hoping for the day when someone sees our true colors, because a single label can never really cover the true essence of our quirk. Turning our nose up at the guy who told us we could never make it with just one horn. Feeling like a one-eyed outcast at times, but still having the courage to forge ahead to chase whatever makes our heart sing, however far away those dreams may seem.
So, like the classic song, I’m channeling my inner Purple People Eater today in this GreaterGoodsVintage dress, letting my freak flag fly in all of my one-eyed, one-horned, flying glory. Perhaps my ‘one horn’ is my shocking ability to road rage (while not missing a single note in the broadway musical du jour) and your ‘one eye’ is your indescribable love of body art, but either way, they make us who we are. And maybe that’s what makes this little cyber-universe we’ve all created so special, where we come together in our mutual love of vintage and unabashedly celebrate our oddities. The quirks that make us fabulous.
And even the most unique among us – the one-eyed, one-horned, human-lunching critters included – somehow find a place where they belong.
Outfit Details:
Dress: GreaterGoodsVintage (similar modern or vintage here, here, here & here)
Necklace: Vintage, Belonged to my mom (similar modern or vintage here & here)
Bracelet: Swarovski (similar here & here)
Handbag: Vintage (similar here, here & here)
Shoes: Farylrobin (similar here, here & here)
Nail color: Julep Shelley It Girl