It’s safe to say I’ve moved around a lot in my life. And I’m not talking about the within-city moves (though we’ve racked up a fair few of those too). I’m talking about the uprooting your life, move to another country, then four years later do it again (cause it was so fun and stress-free the first time!) Truthfully, I wouldn’t change those experiences for anything in the world. Living in other countries has given me perspectives I never would have gained otherwise and afforded me insights into new places and new cultures. I know I wouldn’t be who I am if I didn’t take each of those leaps.
I think there will always be a part of me that craves the adventure. That keeps my eye on the horizon and will always itch to see new places and meet new people. But, I’m finding myself edging more and more towards a feeling of wanting to settle. It’s bit of a foreign concept for me, but I’ve never wanted to put roots down more. To feel ingratiated into our community and know that we’re here to stay. To meet people that we don’t have to leave in a few years. Plant some seeds and watch them grow. Safe to say I’ve been craving 1950’s floral dresses and a home to call my own…

To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.
William Blake
In a grand gesture of adulthood and settling down, Mr. Dressed and I have embarked on the equal parts exciting and terrifying adventure of buying a home. Although we’ve been casually popping into open homes on the weekend for the last 8 months or so, we’ve really gotten serious since May. Got-an-agent-and-spoken-with-lenders serious (eep!). We’ve seen so many houses, some that we can actually envision ourselves in for the next 30 years. Although there are always places you look at and know they’re not for you, there’s a very magical moment when you walk into a home and start to imagine your own furniture in it. Your own cat lounging in front of the fireplace and your own art on the walls.
It feels as if we’ve crossed an invisible threshold to the next stage of our life. One that involves picking out paint colors we want to look at for the foreseeable future and drilling holes in the wall that won’t come out of our rent deposit. And I feel just as excited about this phase as I did nearly 15 years ago when I packedĀ two suitcases and boarded that plane to New Zealand. It’s just a different kind of adventure.
What will your adventure be this year?
Outfit Details:
Dress: UK Charm Vintage (similar handmade and vintage here, here, & here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Handbag: Mary Frances
Crinoline: Hand Made Petticoats
Heels: Re-Mixx, thrifted from Beleza (originals here)
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