Rabbit Fever

Rabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic

I’ve oddly found myself drawn to rabbit-themed items lately – it’s inexplicable, as Easter is months away and, although fluffy and cute, I’m not sure I would even count bunnies in my Top 10 list of animals. And yet, this Kate Spade handbag somehow hippity-hopped off of the cyber pages and onto my arm recently.Ā AndĀ my very-favorite whimsical Irregular Choice bunny wedges seemed to shout at me from inside my closet this morning. What the bunny foo foo is going on?

As a gal who tends to wear her heart on her sleeve (and wears her sleeves covered in hearts, as it were), I immediately tried to figure out what the whole rabbit theme was about (and no, it is NOT about reproduction). And then it hit me: I’ve barely stopped to catch my breath these last few weeks. Racing from place to place, running perpetually 10 minutes behind. It’s almost as if even my subconscious, who blearily pulls outfits from my closet in the morning and onto my person, is trying to tell me that I’m late. I’m late. For a very important date. It may be time to invest in a watch fob…

Rabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic

Rabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit planned using Dressed for iPhone

Rabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic Rabbit Fever - The Dressed AestheticRabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic Rabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic Rabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic Rabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic

Alice laughed:
“There’s no use trying,” she said;
“one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen.
“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Rabbit Fever - The Dressed AestheticRabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic Rabbit Fever - The Dressed AestheticRabbit Fever - The Dressed AestheticRabbit Fever - The Dressed AestheticRabbit Fever - The Dressed AestheticRabbit Fever - The Dressed Aesthetic

I have actually hunted this Jerry Gilden beauty for many years – I missed out on her awhile back (you just can’t mull over vintage for too many days – the chances are too great it’ll be snapped up by another discerning huntress). I saw Coutura Vintage had her in a blue color way, but I messaged the owner to discover she was already sold. By some miracle, Lena had the same dress in a pink color way – in exactly my size! It just goes to show, it pays to believe in impossible things.

Life has been a whirlwind of travel and teaching and packing and adding to an ever-growing to do list ever since the hurricane. This past week I was at a conference in San Diego. It was one of the first conferences where I was (originally) given permission to relax. As a member of the Program Committee, the majority of the work happens before the meeting. And I was miraculously not speaking this year, having withdrawn my abstract when we found out we had too many speakers and not enough talk slots to accommodate everyone. But, because it’s the way things have been going lately, one of our speakers tore their Achilles tendon and I was asked if I would mind filling the spot. I spent a day frantically throwing a talk together (which I’m proud to say, went rather well) and then racing home to start the final week of packing and preparation for our big move to the new house. I’ve found that when I’ve got 80 million things to do and these things happen, I can either laugh, cry, or roll up my sleeves and simply add it to the pile.

Let’s just hope there’s a BIG tea party waiting for me at the end of this madness. And they better be serving grown up drinks….



Outfit Details:
Dress: Coutura Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Bracelet: c/o One Sweet Thread (similar)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Handbag: Lucy in Disguise (similar here)
Shoes: Irregular Choice (similar)

Lip Color:Ā Schiap


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