Given my love of the sea, it was no great surprise that the minute I spotted this 1950’s seashell print dress, I hugged her so tight and refused to let go. There is just something about border prints – I can’t ever get enough. And when that print manages to be clusters of seashells and fishing nets, whispering stories of fishing lore and a life at sea, I can’t really be too hard on myself. Perhaps it’s a pirate’s life for me?
I actually have this dress’ fraternal twin sister – and I love nothing more than reuniting long-lost family members. They hang side by side in my closet and I have no doubt have PLENTY to discuss since they’ve been apart. I’m actually always amazed when garments that were likely stitched together on adjacent sewing machines and separated soon after find each other again. They no doubt changed hands, passed through different women’s wardrobes in different parts of the country, only to both cross my radar separately, but at the equally perfect moment.

With this dress, it’s a bit of a dilemma whether I love the front or the back the best! The low, square back and those buttons make me swoon. To keep it professional, I’ve thrown on a dove grey cardigan before skipping off to work. But there’s a part of me that loves knowing this daring back is hidden, as if I have a secret. I generally don’t have any sort of poker face, so no doubt I’ve worn a bit of a smirk on my face most of the day. Ah well, let ’em wonder what I’m smirking about!
Speaking of marine themed-things, I’ve been working on some pretty exciting projects at the lab. Though some might think the life of a marine biologist is always exciting, what with all of the sunbathing and whatnot, but truthfully a lot of my job takes place at a desk, which doesn’t sound nearly as romantic as hopping on my jet ski and taking off into the sunset, dolphins leaping in my wake. But, the real excitement occurs when you start to chip away at an intriguing story. When you finally figure out the difficult analysis that has been doing your head in for months and it spits out a result you weren’t expecting. Or, when you get a new sample from a new species that turns everything you thought you knew on its ear. Though I can’t spoil it yet, I’m hoping for big things this year – stay tuned.
What big things are you working on today?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Capsule Vintage (similar modern here or here or vintage here, here, here & here)
Necklace: Gift (similar)
Bag: Gift from the Mister, from Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar modern or vintage here & here)
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell via Amazon (similar here & here)
Headband: Forever New (similar)