Sometimes I can get lost thinking about all of the million random occurrences that need to happen to lead up to some big event (or even the small everyday ones). In retrospect, a path always seems to straightforward. A decision so simple to go from from A to B to C. But looking from the opposite direction, there are a million twists and turns that ultimately lead to that endpoint. And sometimes these can be positive – looking at the pivotal move that brought you towards the career you have now. The love of your life. Or the perfect piece of vintage. Others may take you towards a darker place or inexplicable tragedy, leaving you to wonder which step could you have made differently to veer life towards a different path. But if there’s one thing that remains constant: life moves endlessly, persistently forward….
I can spend a lot of time trying to make sense of the world. Many of us might believe solely in free will and random happenstance. Others in kismet or destiny. When I look back at key moments in my life, I can’t help but realize that some of the biggest decisions came down to a deep breath and a jump. Like my move to New Zealand to start my PhD – despite the protests of many around me, I took a deep breath and got on a plane. Or when I met Mr. Dressed – moving to a strange new city and accepting a simple night of bowling with strangers somehow lead to meeting my Person. And when he asked me to go for a walk, I took a deep breath and accepted his hand. There are just so many seemingly random moments woven together to bring us to exactly where we need to be.

What simply happens obeys no law.
Marty Rubin
How amazing is this bag from Veracious Vintage? You can turn the dial to match pretty much every outfit. Seriously, who thinks of this genius…
There are a lot of things we can’t control – as someone who is a self-proclaimed control freak, this can be a tough one to take. But sometimes with life, the harder you try to swim against the tide, the more likely you are to tire. Better instead to let go, lean into the skid, and enjoy the ride…
Speaking of things outside of my control – my love of novelty border prints and glitter knows no bounds! This amazing vintage Mexican circle skirt found its way to me courtesy of Emerson Maeve Vintage. From her hand-sewn sequins and dancers pirouetting around her hem, this piece had me at hello. And I couldn’t help but reflect on the million fated steps that had to be taken to get us to this moment of Girl Meets Skirt. From its creation – the cutting of the fabric and sewing of the skirt, to the painstakingly painted dancers, each different in its costume and posture, to the million tiny sequins stitched one at a time. After that came another series of twists and turns, worn and loved before being passed between hands. Possibly packed away for decades and rediscovered again. Quite a journey for her to travel from the 1950’s all the way to my arms.
It’s an amazing sequins of events when you think about it…
Outfit Details:
Top: Pinup Girl Clothing, sold out (other colors)
Skirt: Emerson Maeve Vintage (similar modern & vintage here, here & here)
Necklace: Swarovski
Handbag: Veracious Vintage Co. (similar here & here)
Shoes: Modcloth
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