There is just something about layers in winter that spring and summer can’t touch. I love my sundresses and sandals something fierce, but nothing gets me instantly cozier than knowing I can burst forth with all manner of gloves and cardigans, fun tights and cozy coats. And if the dress I happen to be layering all of those items upon happens to have a snow capped mountain’s majesty feel about it, well so much the better.
This Lindy Bop cutie appeared under my Christmas tree last year from my mom. Given how often I’ve worn it since, it’s a bit embarrassing that it’s only now coming to the blog! I suppose that’s one of the downsides of posting only once or twice a week – there are many a sartorial adventure that you don’t get to see. As Jack Frost has been nipping at my heels lately, I was more than happy to pull this dress out and take her for another spin with some of my favorite icy accessories.

Ironically, while I wax poetic about cold noses and bundles of layers, I am actually jetting off to the other side of the world to bask in a bit of Southern Hemisphere sunshine tomorrow. Late last year I was invited to present at a conference in Sydney, and though I knew life would be hectic and the timing would be tricky with finishing the semester and getting my students prepped for finals, things always seem much more achievable and stress-free from the vantage point of the date being far into the future.
Now that it’s upon me, it’s a bit of a mad scramble to check off my To Do list, write yet another talk, and get my ice-cream clad butt on yet another plane. But, I suppose if I wasn’t running around like a headless chicken, I wouldn’t recognize myself.
Ah well. At least I’m a well-dressed headless chicken. See you all in a week!
Outfit Details:
Dress: gift, Lindy Bop via Modern Millie (similar here & here)
Belt: Alannah Hill (similar)
Cardigan: The Wonder Shop (similar here & here)
Necklace: Macy’s (similar)
Crinoline: Handmade Petticoats in gold
Handbag: Betsey Johnson
Shoes: Shoe Bakery
Lip Color: Ruby Woo
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