Truth be told, I don’t really have a designated “winter wardrobe.” I know there are people who even rotate through their closets by season, boldly packing away their summer dresses and strappy sandals during the winter months. However, if I were to pack away everything that the laymen would file under the the category of “summer,” I would probably be left with about four things in my closet. And my dresses would be so sad, wondering why I abandoned them without warning…
Despite having grown up in Boston, I have always struggled with dressing for winter. Probably because my penchant for dresses doesn’t really lend itself to charging through snow drifts. I’ve always said that my winter wardrobe is pretty much my summer wardrobe, just with tights and a cardigan. Which could explain why I’ve always had a soft spot for this dress – which manages to speak to wintery snow drifts and jack frost nipping at my nose, minus the frostbite, the slush, and the hours spent shoveling.

On all honesty, a Perth winter is really not something to complain about (again, I know from winter). We have a few rainy months, but for the most part I manage to wear my dresses year round with only a few teeth chattering days that have me (almost) reaching for my jeans. I just can’t help myself and refuse to abandon my dresses in winter. What can I say – I have no problem suffering a bit for fashion!
Today is going to be one of those headless chicken days. I fly off to Cairns on Sunday for a conference and there’s a lot of things to do before I head off. I wish I could say I was looking forward to it, but it’s been so crazy around here this trip feels like another item on my endless To Do list rather than a fun science adventure. But, I always pull out this winter wonderland dress when I need a bit of extra pep in my heel-clad step – sort of the fashion equivalent of listening to Christmas carols. You just can’t have a bad day when Christmas music is playing…
What’s your go-to happy music?
Outfit Details:
Dress: Bernie Dexter via Modcloth (similar here, here & here
or a different dress in the same fabric here)
Cardigan: Wear It Again Sam Vintage (similar here, here & here)
Bag: Lux De Ville (similar here & here)
Belt: From another dress (similar here & here)
Snowflake Necklace: Macy’s (similar here & here)
Shoes: Seychelles via Amazon (similar here, here & here)