Storing Nuts For Winter

Storing Nuts for Winter - The Dressed Aesthetic

Given my recent trip to sunnier pastures, where it was 28 degrees pretty much every day, I find myself bundling up more than usual this past week, which seems more in line with the folks scurrying past me on a daily basis. It’s odd to be fitting in – truth be told, I’m rarely so seasonally attired. I tend to be the one who’s never dressed appropriately for the weather regardless of where I’d spent the week before on a beach, and the phrase, “You must be FREEZING” is heard about 3 times per day in the winter. But, a cute outfit can often go a long way when it comes to warming up the soul. A cute coat can take me the rest of the way.

Although I can sometimes struggle with dressing for the transitional seasons, particularly the cooler months that leave my sundresses scowling (as you know fromĀ this post), I do love an opportunity to layer. And being from New England originally, aĀ chill in the air sparks a need for cozy autumn layersĀ in my heart. I start craving pumpkin pie, imagine bundling myself up to go to my grandmother’s house to rake leaves, and find myself digging into the backs of my dresser drawers for ways to spice up an otherwise flat look that can veer towardsĀ functional overĀ fashionable.

Hey, if I wasn’t spicing things up, I wouldn’t be me after all…

Storing Nuts For Winter - The Dressed Aesthetic

Storing Nuts For Winter - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit styled using Dressed for iPhone

Storing Nuts For Winter - The Dressed AestheticStoring Nuts For Winter - The Dressed AestheticStoring Nuts For Winter - The Dressed AestheticStoring Nuts For Winter - The Dressed Aesthetic Storing Nuts For Winter - The Dressed AestheticStoring Nuts For Winter - The Dressed Aesthetic Storing Nuts For Winter - The Dressed AestheticStoring Nuts For Winter - The Dressed AestheticStoringNuts_17 Storing Nuts For Winter - The Dressed Aesthetic Storing Nuts For Winter - The Dressed AestheticStoring Nuts For Winter - The Dressed Aesthetic Storing Nuts For Winter - The Dressed Aesthetic

There’s something about the color orange that’s so comforting to me. We all have those things that evoke memories – smells, sounds, tastes – embedded in our sense memory. For me, orange instantly brings back the smell of my mom’s pumpkin spice candles. Of picking apples in the orchards and baking pies for hours. Of hiking through the pumpkin patch to find the perfect specimen for my jack-o-lantern (which never quite turned out as fabulous as I envisaged in my head). Although seasons are all upside down here in Australia from what I’m used to, I can’t help but find my favorite New England memoriesĀ hidden in these warmĀ autumn-esque layers.

Heading into another week, with only the vestiges of last week’sĀ cold remaining. To be doubly sure it knows it’s not welcome here, I’ll be staying bundled up, dosing on Vitamin C, and trying to have an early night while watching some good bad tv (hey, bad tv is always a cure for whatever ails you!)

What’s warming up your heart this week?



Outfit Details:
Top: ModclothĀ (similar vintage or modernĀ here,Ā hereĀ &Ā here)
Skirt:Ā AnthropologieĀ (similar here, here, &Ā here)
Belt: AnthropologieĀ (similarĀ hereĀ &Ā here)
Handbag: ModclothĀ (similarĀ hereĀ &Ā here)
Fishnet tights: DSW (similar here & here)
Coat:Ā ModclothĀ (similarĀ here, hereĀ &Ā here)
Boots: Miz MoozĀ (similarĀ here,Ā hereĀ &Ā here)


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The Dressed Aesthetic