There are a lot of things in life that come out of the blue unexpectedly and sucker punch you good. Tragedy can befall you when you least expect it, an sudden joy can hit you on a moment’s notice. I am definitely the kind of person who gets sucker punched by vintage on the regular. Scrolling lazily on IG or browsing Etsy, and suddenly all things come to a screeching halt. Heart pounding, palms sweating. You never know when or where it will come out of the blue.
Other times, the sucker punch is not so welcome. Recently, Mr. Dressed was out of town for work (skiing in France. Work, SURE). Whenever he’s away, our beloved tabby Finn goes a little crazy. This is normal cat stuff – he gets spooked by his own shadow, wanders from room to room meowing, and occasionally races around the house like a banshee. I know it’s the way he vents his nervous energy. But, never did I think that nervous energy would be directed at me….

About a week into Mr. Dressed’s trip, Finn and I were curled up in bed. Usually, Finn starts his slumber by camping out on Mr. Dressed’s chest, after which he’ll get a plethora of chin scratches. He’ll purr and we’ll all go to sleep happy. Sans a manly chest upon which to perch, our cat has taken to cuddling under my chin in the manly absence. And there we started to slumber in blissful spoon.
As I was falling asleep, I had that weird moment when you feel as if you’re falling, jerking you awake. Under normal circumstances, this would do little other than startle me and send me off back to the Land of Nod. But, with Finn curled under my chin, the night would not end so pleasantly. My jerk apparently scared the bejeezus out of him, whereby he sprang up, turned around, curled his furry fist, and quite literally nunchucked me in the face! I sat up so unspeakably shocked, still dizzy with sleep and surprise.
Thankfully, he missed my eye, but I woke the next morning sporting two clear scratches by my tear duct, and an impressive shiner that sang to the world the kind of damage that an orange paw can do. Hilarity reigned all week at work, as one by one colleagues asked what happened and came to learn that my cat quite literally beat me up…
Not all sucker punches leave you with a black eye, fortunately. This latest Marjorie Montgomery came and whacked me on the nose – both for the fact that my Marjorie obsession is known far and wide (so much so that my fellow vintage ladies breathlessly tag me whenever they seen one) – but also because she was selling for a mere $36 dollars (!!!). Pause for crazy giddy dance. I’ve heard rumors about this kind of things happening in the wild, but have never been on the receiving end of that joyful fist….
Speaking of getting hit out of the blue, I think we’ve all been sucker punched by the news of a potential pandemic – I’m trying to find the balance between not panicking and being safe. We’ve learned late yesterday that our University is shifting to online instruction and all travel has been suspended. Personally, as I teach in a veritable Petri dish (sorry undergrads, but you know it’s true), I admit I met the news with a modicum of relief. I’m happy the uni is being proactive and trying to preempt coronavirus thwacking our student body (and their dedicated professors). Truthfully, I don’t know if this will last for a week or a month, but I’m doing what I can to figure out how to make Neuro awesome online.
But first and foremost, I need to go enroll my cat into anger management classes. Stay safe people – from cats and viruses alike!
Outfit Details:
Marjorie Montgomery Dress: eBay (similar modern or vintage here, here & here)
Hair flower: c/o Maison Murasaki
Necklace: Sora Designs
Handbag: vintage (similar)
Shoes: Sophia Webster, thrifted (similar here & here)
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Any items marked with a “c/o” (courtesy of) a retailer mean I was provided with an item for free in exchange for a review and/or feature on my blog. I always provide my honest opinion of any item I’m reviewing, regardless of whether it was sent to me as a courtesy item or if I purchased it myself. In addition, this post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links or ads on this site, I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase at no cost to you, which helps with the day-to-day running costs of my blog.