Sundae Best

When I was young, I remember very vividly the dresses that were saved for a special occasion. The dresses that lay tucked towards the back of the wardrobe, to brought out on holidays, when the day took on a certain reverence. My favorites were always my Easter dresses. Usually some combination of velvet and tulle, those dresses really epitomized the concept of Sunday Best.

It’s funny, as the ingredients that made up a dress saved for Easter are still the very ingredients I look for in a dress today. Plush velvet and floral appliquĆ©. Full tulle skirts and bows and shiny patent leather Mary Janes. And these aren’t the makings of the dresses that are tucked towards the back of the wardrobe, tulle quivering with excitement, waiting expectantlyĀ for that special occasion. These are the dresses I now reach for on a Monday. For a Thursday dinner out with the Mister.Ā Because why let those dresses lay dormant, when they were clearly meant to be worn and loved?

Sundae Best - The Dressed Aesthetic

Sundae Best - The Dressed Aesthetic
Outfit styled using Dressed for iPhone

Sundae Best - The Dressed AestheticSundae Best - The Dressed AestheticSundae Best - The Dressed AestheticSundae Best - The Dressed AestheticSundae Best - The Dressed AestheticSundae Best - The Dressed AestheticSundae Best - The Dressed AestheticSundae Best - The Dressed AestheticSundae Best - The Dressed AestheticSundae Best - The Dressed AestheticSundae Best - The Dressed Aesthetic Sundae Best - The Dressed Aesthetic Sundae Best - The Dressed AestheticSundae Best - The Dressed Aesthetic Sundae Best - The Dressed Aesthetic

I dashed out of the house this morning, resplendent in my Monday Best, and I had to pop into the shops on my way to work to pick up cupcakes for a celebratory morning tea. After I skirted through the aisles and waited in line to check out, lost in my own thoughts, the woman in front of me interrupted, “I don’t know how you’re not freezing, but you look amazing! Like something out of Alice and Wonderland.”

I sometimes forget that my Monday garb is probably reserved for the rest of the worldĀ on special occasions and that my normal is a bit to the left of most other people’s wardrobes. I smiled and thanked her, as she grinned and discreetly pointed over my shoulder, where two little girls, blonde curls tumbling, were peeking out from behind their mother, gawking. Whether it was the shoes, the crinoline, or the fact that it was nowhere near Easter, I’ll never know, but I winked at them and skipped merrily off to work.

And I have to admit, it put a little spring in my ice-cream sundae clad step today.

Have a great week lovelies!




{By the way, have you entered my GreaterGoodsVintage giveaway yet?? Full details can be found here.}


Outfit Details:
Dress: Vintage, fromĀ She Loves DressesĀ (similar modern here & here
or vintage here, here, hereĀ &Ā here)
Collar: Mimco, GiftĀ (similarĀ here,Ā hereĀ &Ā here)
Bag: Forever NewĀ (similarĀ here,Ā hereĀ &Ā here)
Shoes: Shoe Bakery


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The Dressed Aesthetic