Have you ever noticed how periods of time with the most stunning blooms also tend to be the weeks punctuated by the most rain? One can’t exist without the other. The whole “April showers bring May flowers concept” is always a nice albeit unwelcome reminder that things can’t be awesome all the time. Just like joy can’t exist without sorrow, goodness without malicious intent. In order to experience something beautiful, we need to endure tough times now and again.
Flowers are pretty hardcore when you think about it. They live in the fresh air, but take on the harsh elements. They push through the soil to get to experience the sunshine. They infiltrate the insect ranks with their beauty, working their cunning plan for pollination. Some succumb to sadness, curling into themselves for a whole season, only to reemerge the following year, stronger than ever.
I could definitely learn a thing or two from those tough little florets who wage war on inclement weather again and again and win. It’s been a bit of a tough few weeks at work – still balancing uncertainty over the future and trying to stay motivated despite the worries tickling the back of my mind. Science tends to be very cyclical, working in three year bursts of funding. Many of us are barreling towards the end of a cycle and the hope for a successful new funding round. And all we keep hearing is “any day now.” As a perpetual planner, the constant stream of What If doesn’t sit so well. Wondering which side of the coin my fate will land on. If the rainstorm is coming or if the buds are going to start fighting their way upwards towards the sun one more tim. All I really know is that I need to be prepared for both. Rain or Shine. Needless to say, tis the season for layers. Layers on. Layers off. I’m like Mr. Miyagi over here….

There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.Anais Nin
In happier news, Mr. Dressed’s birthday is coming up, so I spent the weekend skipping around town, trying to buy something for He Who Is Hardest to Shop For. I always wonder – is it just a gender thing? An inability to connect with what men want? I know him better than anyone, yet ever time a gift-given event comes around, my palms start to sweat. I want to get him something unspeakably awesome, but know that, unlike for me, anything containing glitter won’t cut it. Video games and gadgets he loves, but if I ever want to buy those things, he’s the one I would ask for advice (which negates the whole “surprise” element). Gah!
By the end of the day, I’m proud to say I was successful – I snagged a gift for the husband and two birthday gifts for friends (apparently, February is a happening month for conception because there are a disproportionate number of birthdays in November). I even managed to mentally file a few things away as possible Christmas gifts, so I’d call the day a success.
So, I’m taking the good with the bad, the worrisome with the carefree, as we’re heading into another week. Waiting for the sun to peek out from behind the clouds. Accepting I have no control over the weather (or the grant outcome). All I can really do is don the world’s most perfect vintage daisy print dress and hope for the best.
Fingers crossed for flowers blooming…
Outfit Details:
Dress: Kitty Girl Vintage (similar modern or vintage here, here, here, & here)
Cardigan: Vintage Darlene (similar here & here)
Bracelet: Gift (similar here & here)
Ring: ASOS (similar here & here)
Handbag: Mo-Mo’s Vintage (similar here & here)
Wedges: Modcloth (similar here, here & here)